
Creates an AWS billing alarm for a given amount

MIT LicenseMIT

Billing Alarm stack

This project creates the minimum AWS resources necessary to alert when a the monthly billing charges exceeds a given threshold. The resources are managed with a CloudFormation stack.

One design decision made is to add a basic email address as the only subscriber to the SNS topic receiving the Cloudwatch alarm. This is intended to be the account's email address (supplied by the caller). If another process wants to subscribe to the SNS topic, create another CloudFormation stack using the exported stack output for the SNS topic ARN.


  • Ansible 2.2 (used for orchestrating the stack)
  • AWS access
  • Permission to create/delete CloudFormation stacks, SNS topics, and CloudWatch alarms.

Ansible is required if you want full orchestration of the stack, but if you are comfortable launching the CloudFormation stack you can consider the Ansible components as optional. If you are new to this project, use Ansible.

Launching this Stack

Given some values for EMAIL_ADDRESS, ACCOUNT_NAME, and MAX_DOLLARS you launch the stack with the following command:

$ ansible-playbook -i localhost.inventory -e 'recipient_email=EMAIL_ADDRESS account_name=ACCOUNT_NAME max_expense_in_dollars=MAX_DOLLARS' create-stack.yml

PLAY [all] *********************************************************************

TASK [load project settings] ***************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [ensure cloudformation stack is created or deleted] ***********************
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0

Once Ansible is complete, the stack has been created.

Take note that the SNS topic subscription will need to be confirmed, which arrives as an email to the email address's inbox specified in the call to launch the stack.


tl;dr MIT license

See LICENSE for more details.