
The missing CloudFormation CI/CD tool.

MIT LicenseMIT


The missing CloudFormation CI/CD tool.

cft will allow you to work with CloudFormation templates in a similar way as the terraform command. This tool only uses change sets to update stacks and may be opinionated at times.

The main goal of this type of tool is to let it run in a CI/CD context, like Github Actions, with little to no human intervention needed.


Getting Help with the Command

$ cft help

Getting the latest CloudFormation resource types documentation

Coming soon

$ cft doc AWS::IAM::Role

  Type: AWS::IAM::Role
    RoleName: foo # Optional 

This also works with non-sensitive cases and partial names.

Planning a Change

Coming soon

Planning a change will create a change set and then enumerate what CloudFormation thinks is changing. The plan can remain so that it can be applied later or, with the --temporary flag can be deleted after the plan is complete (making it a speculative plan).

$ cft plan <file> --name myplan
Creating change set...done.
Reviewing change set...

Resource                       Type                           Action
SomeRole                       AWS::IAM::Role                 CREATE
MyWAF                          AWS::WAFv2::WebACL             UPDATE (REPLACE)
Admin                          AWS::IAM::User                 UPDATE
AdminGroup                     AWS::IAM::Group                DELETE

1 to add, 1 to replace, 1 to update, 1 to destroy.

Plan finished successfully.

Adding --temporary make it a speculative plan, deleting the change set after the plan has completed.

Stack doesn't yet exist? No worries! One will be created for you.

Applying a Change

Coming soon

Applying a change will perform the same steps as the plan command, and then execute the change set. As the CloudFormation stack is being updated, it will show the events happening within the stack so you can follow along to see the update's success or failure. If a change set already exists, perhaps from a previous plan command, then the plan step will be skipped.

Adding confirm if you want human intervention.

$ cft apply --name myplan
Change set exists, skipping planing stage.

Executing change set...

Resource                       Type                       Action
DummyResource                  AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle  DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
DummyResource                  AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle DELETE_COMPLETE
mystack                        AWS::CloudFormation::Stack UPDATE_COMPLETE

Apply finished successfully.
