
A functional testing framework that allows for control of multiple "windows"

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#Sparrow functional testing

A functional website testing framework based on jasmine and JQuery. Sparrow is designed to solve the problem of async testing inherent in website testing by making async testing easier.


  • Makes async testing easier
  • Allows testing multiple pages simultaneously so complex interactions can be tested
  • Runs tests in a browser and headless
  • Allows using the IntelliJ/Webstorm debugger with both test and page code
  • Uses JQuery and Jasmine to reduce the learning curve
  • Makes it easier to create independent tests that are not dependent on each other

##Quick Start

  1. Download the latest sparrow

  2. cd to installation directory

  3. type 'npm install' (requires node)

  4. type 'grunt headed' to create specRunner.html (requires grunt)
    NOTE: Make sure you run this command after creating new spec/helper files and after upgrading Sparrow. You can also run grunt watch to build specRunner.html automatically when spec/helper files change.

  5. open runner.html in a browser (tested with newest Chrome and FF)
    (NOTE: FF seems to allow running from the local filesystem. Chrome requires running it from a web server)

  6. Look at the files in /specs to see some of the possibilities

##Running a single test or a group of tests

To run a single test or a group of tests, simply add ?spec=some%20it%20or%20description to the end of the url the same way you would running Jamsine directly.


to run 'should do something' use ?spec=should%20do%20something at the end of the url.

##Running tests in headless mode

To run tests in headless/CI mode. type 'grunt' or 'grunt headless'

If you need to run the tests from a server with dynamic content, simply add the host address in Gruntfile.js. It is best to run the tests from the source directory the server is pointed to or a symlink.

##Sparrow options

####sparrow.WAIT_TIME The time to wait for the waitFor*, waitUntil*, waitWhile*

This can be set in a helper to make it a global setting for all tests


There are two ways to use the sparrow functions. You can call them directly and provide a callback for the async functions, or you can do things the easier way and use the sparrow async() monad.

Callback example

    describe('block of tests', function() {
        it('should do something', function(done) {

             // open the page
            $win.open('http://example.com', function() {

                // fill the form in the popup
                $win.waitForSelector('#some-popup', function() {
                    $win.fill('#some-form', {name:'me', ...};

                    // Do something with the resulting page
                    $win.waitforText('new page loaded', function() {
                        $win.waitWhileVisible('#some-modal', function() {
                            myAsyncFunction(function() {

                                // Test that we see 'finished'

Async monad example (much cleaner and easier to refactor)

    describe('block of tests', function() {
        it('should do something', function(done) {

                // open the page

                // fill the form in the popup
                .fill('#some-form', {name: 'me', ...}

                // Do something with the resulting page
                .waitForText('new page loaded')

                // Test that we see 'finished'
                .syncFn(function() {



        function myAsyncFunction(done) {
            // do something async


Sparrow is based on jasmine so tests are written in the same style. See jasmine docs for more possibilities.

##Using with Meteor

Unpack sparrow someplace in the /public directory. I put it in /public/sparrow. Sparrow tests will then be available at http://localhost:3000/sparrow/runner.html.

NOTE: I have found that I must clear the cache in my browser to get updates after changing specs.


NOTE: If you are using the async monad, ignore the doneCB argument on the following, this is handled for you.


Opens a test window tab and creates $name variable in the test scope.

    it('should do something', function() {
        ... creates $aTestWindow


Creates an async monad to make async functions easier

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            .waitForText('something on new page')


Starts a previously created async monad

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            // other instructions here

####.open(url, doneCB)

Opens a url in a window tab.

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            // other instructions here


Show the tab for this window

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            .show() // This will show the $win window (tab)

            .show()    // This will show the $another window (tab)

####.waitUntilTrue(testFn, doneCB)

Wait until the test function returns true

    it('should do something', function(done) {

    function somethingHappening() {
        return $j('#xxxx').html() === 'ready'

waitUntilTrue can also takes an async function containing a "done" final argument.
The passed async function will be called until it calls done() with a truthy value or sparrow.WAIT_TIME is reached.

        it('should do something', function(done) {
            var count = 0;

            function asyncFunc(done) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                    ++count === 2 ? done(1) : done(0);


####.waitForText(text, doneCB)

Wait until the text is visible on the webpage

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            .waitForText('some text on the page')

####.waitForSelector(selector, doneCB)

Wait until the selected element is in the dom

    it('should do something', function(done) {

####.waitUntilVisible(selector, doneCB)

Wait until the selected element is visible

    it('should do something', function(done) {

####.waitWhileVisible(selector, doneCB)

Wait while the selected element is visible

    it('should do something', function(done) {

####.wait(ms, doneCB)

Wait for some period of milliseconds

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            .click('#something else')


Click on some selected element

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            .click('#something else')


Send a log message to the console.

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            .log('I clicked it')

####.fill(selector, formData)

Fill in the selected form

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            .fill('#my-form', {name: 'Scott', email:'me@mine.com'})


Close an open test window (tab)

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            .fill('#my-form', {name: 'Scott', email:'me@mine.com'})


Call an async function

    it('should do something', function(done) {

    function myAsyncFunction(done) {
        // do something


Call a function. Currently this is the best way to add expects into your test code.

    it('should do something', function(done) {
            .syncFn(function() {
                expect($win.find('#something').html()).toBe('my content');


Add functions to sparrow. The first argument will be the test window variable. For example, if you created a test window called "myWin", then called $myWin.write(). winVar would be $myWin.

NOTE: To add an async function, the final argument must be named 'done'

            write: function(winVar, selector, content) {
            waitForTesting: function(winVar, done) {
                winVar.waitForText('testing', done);
####<a name="httpPost">.http.post(url, data, success, done)

            .fn(function(done) {
                $tests.http.post('/some/url', {some:'data'}, _.partial(checkReturn, done));

        function checkReturn(done, ret) {
            expect(ret).toBe('<some> <html>');


Accessing the window object in a tab

You can use the $window variable to access the window object inside of a tab from the debugging console.
For example, if your tab is $page, then $page.$window will give you the window variable within that tab. From there you can access any global variables.

###Debugging in the middle of an async monad chain

The easiest way to debug in the middle of the async chain is to use syncFn. Add a temporary .syncFn() call and put your debug code inside of the passed function. The same technique works for setting breakpoints.

    .syncFn(function() {


If you find Sparrow useful, please let me know. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know at scott@bulldoginfo.com.

I created Sparrow because none of the other testing frameworks I found had the features I was looking for. I have found this framework very useful for testing production websites.

If you are looking for someone to setup functional testing for your web application or website, contact me.