
Makes DOM elements draggable

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery Draggable

Makes a DOM element draggable.

$(selector).draggable([options], [[callback], ...]);




move:  Move the selected element when dragging. Default true.
debug: Log the event object to the console while dragging. Default false.


Optionally provide one or more callbacks. Callbacks are fired in sequence, and take a jQuery event object with some additional attributes in the data property:

draggable:          the selected element
offsetX:            the x coordinate offset between the mouse cursor and the left 
                    edge of the draggable element
offsetY:            the y coordinate offset between the mouse cursor and the top 
                    edge of the draggable element
width:              the draggable element's width
height:             the draggable element's height
offsetParentWidth:  the offset parent's width
offsetParentHeight: the offset parent's height
top:                the draggable's top coordrinate, taking the bounding parent into account
right:              the draggable's right coordrinate, taking the bounding parent into account
bottom:             the draggable's bottom coordrinate, taking the bounding parent into account
left:               the draggable's left coordrinate, taking the bounding parent into account


Copyright 2012 Scott Burton, ChaiOne; all right reserved