
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Expanded Documentation at https://pughlab.mbg.cornell.edu/scriptmanager/

GUI pipeline containing useful NGS analysis scripts.

Scripts are generically categorized within semi-descriptive tabs and are designed to be run in parallel with each other and themselves.

Tutorial to using basic plotting capabilities of ScriptManager

Open ScriptManager-Tutorial.docx available in root directory

Build Instructions

(after cloning this repo):

$ cd scriptmanager
$ ./gradlew build

The compiled JAR file will be output into the build/libs directory.

Running ScriptManager

To run the GUI verson of ScriptManager, you can double click the compiled JAR file or run the followinug command in the terminal

$ java -jar /path/to/jarfile

Running the CLI version of ScriptManager is similar to running the GUI. To view the list of command options, use the -h flag.

$ java -jar /path/to/jarfile -h


$ java -jar /path/to/jarfile coordinate-manipulation bed-to-gff BEDFILE.bed -o OUTPUT.gff

Current scripts available (210106):

BAM Statistics:

-BAM Statistics

-Paired-End Statistics

-BAM Genome Correlation

BAM Manipulation:

-BAM-BAI Indexer

-BAM File Sorter

-BAM Remove Duplicates

-BAM Replicate Merge

-Filter for PIP-seq

BAM Format Converter:

-BAM to scIDX



-BAM to bedGraph

File Utilities:

-MD5 Checksum

Peak Calling:

-Genetrack - still highly unstable

Peak Analysis:

-Align BED to Reference

-Filter BED by Proximity

-Genomic Coordinate Tile

-Generate Random Coordinate

-Signal Duplication

Coordinate File Manipulation:

-Expand BED/GFF File

-Convert BED/GFF to GFF/BED

-Sort BED/GFF by CDT

Sequence Read Analysis:

-Tag Pileup

-Calculate Scaling Factor

-Scale Matrix Data

-Aggregate Data

DNA Sequence Analysis:


-Randomize FASTA

-Search Motif in FASTA

-DNA Shape from BED

-DNA Shape from FASTA

Figure Generation:


-Merge Heatmaps

-4Color Sequence Plot