
Improve phonetic readout of lap + time

PaulWieland opened this issue · 0 comments

Right now the phonetic readout of the pilot plus lap plus time is a bit hard to comprehend because the lap number bleeds into the time.

Example: "Paul lap one one minute five seconds"

I believe this is the line responsible:

var $ttstest = msg.pilot + " lap " + msg.lap + " " + msg.phonetic;

I am going to try modifying this function on our timer to something like this (to be tested still):

		socket.on('phonetic_data', function (msg) {
			//	var $ttstest = msg.pilot + " lap " + msg.lap + " " + msg.phonetic;

			var phoneticLap="";
				case 1: phoneticLap = "st"; break;
				case 2: phoneticLap = "nd"; break;
				case 3: phoneticLap = "rd"; break;
				default: phoneticLap = "th"; break;
			var $ttstest = msg.pilot + " " + msg.lap + phoneticLap + " lap " + msg.lap + " " + msg.phonetic;
			speak('<div class="speech">' + $ttstest + '</div> div.speech');				

That should hopefully cause it to say: "Paul first lap one minute five seconds"