
Sensor and Location Manager Monitor (and Logger) for Android Devices

Primary LanguageJava

This is a sensor and location manager monitor (and logger) for Android devices.
This application can be used for:
-Getting all information for each sensor (accelerometer, gyroscope, temperature, barometer etc) registered to the device.
-Monitoring these sensor outputs.
-Getting all information for each location provider (network, gps etc).
-Monitoring location provider outputs.
-Monitoring the gps satellite information.
-Logging the data for the selected services (inertial sensors, location providers, gps status).

This application is for developers. It does not assume anything about the existing sensors/providers. Even if a new virtual sensor or a location provider is added to the framework by the developer, this application can still be used to monitor (and log) these new services. (In fact this is the main reason why we developed our own monitor rather than using any existing one.)

The hardware data is logged in binary format under the default external directory provided by the framework (usually it is under /sdcard/Android/data/[App Name]/files/ ,however the exact location depends on your phone).

The monitor and information activities automatically unregister the services as soon as the activity pauses. However, for the logger activity, the services are not unregistered unless it is stopped by the user. Therefore, be careful when using the logger, otherwise your battery will be drained very quickly.

1. Add a new activity to see the content of the logged files
2. Use JNI to log sensor data
3. Add menu options to change log frequency (for sensors) and criterion (for location providers)