

Primary LanguageShell



cp ~/.fonts/* ~/Library/Fonts/

Must use Powerline font in iTerm, for \uE0A0 to render in amuse theme

brew install zsh

Change default shell to zsh

  • add brew zsh path to /etc/shells
    if installed with brew path is /usr/local/bin/zsh

  • update default shell
    $ chsh -s $(which zsh)


brew install ruby

$ gem install lolcat

  • ohmyzsh
    $ git clone git://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh


  • bash
  • bash-completion
  • bash-git-prompt
  • ccat
  • emacs
  • fzf
  • git
  • imagemagick
  • markdown
  • python
  • reattach-to-user-namespace
  • tmux
  • zsh
  • zsh-completions
  • hub

brew all

$ brew list
awscli                          htop-osx                        pcre
bash                            hub                             pkg-config
bash-completion                 imagemagick                     postgresql
bash-git-prompt                 jpeg                            python
boot-clj                        leiningen                       readline
catimg                          lesspipe                        reattach-to-user-namespace
ccat                            libevent                        ruby
cntlm                           libpng                          sqlite
cowsay                          libtiff                         tmux
emacs                           libtool                         tree
fortune                         libyaml                         wget
freetype                        markdown                        xz
fzf                             maven                           zsh
gdbm                            netcat                          zsh-completions
git                             node                            zsh-history-substring-search
graphviz                        openssl                         zsh-syntax-highlighting