PyDEM is a package for topographic (terrain) analysis written in Python (with a bit of Cython). It takes in digital elevation model (DEM) rasters, and it outputs quantities like slope, aspect, upstream area, and topographic wetness index. PyDEM closely follows the approach taken by TauDEM to calculate these quantities. It is designed to be fast, easily extensible, and capable of handling very large datasets.
PyDEM can be used both from the command-line, or programmatically via its Python API. Examples of both usages are given below and in the examples directory. It can operate on individual elevation rasters, or on entire directories simultaneously. Most processing steps can be performed in parallel with any number of independent pyDEM processes. Note that pyDEM depends on TauDEM for certain steps (e.g., pitfilling) and it also makes extensive use of the GDAL library for working with geospatial rasters.
For installation notes, see
Examples and tests can be found in the pydem\examples
Import the DEMProcessor
from pydem.dem_processing import DEMProcessor
Set the path to a pit filled elevation file in WGS84 coordinates:
filename_to_elevation_geotiff = 'test.tiff'
Instantiate an instance of the DEMProcessor
dem_proc = DEMProcessor(filename_to_elevation_geotiff)
The following three commands do not need to be called in order.
Calculate the aspect and slope magnitude:
mag, aspect = dem_proc.calc_slopes_directions()
Calculate the upstream contributing area:
uca = dem_proc.calc_uca()
Calculate the TWI:
twi = dem_proc.calc_twi()
Import the ProcessManager
from pydem.processing_manager import ProcessManager
Set the path to the directory of pit-filled WGS84 geotiff elevation files. Important: The files in this directory needs to follow the naming convention used. See
for an example of using utils.rename_files
to rename elevation files.
elevation_source_path = r'C:\test_directory'
Set the target location (where files will be saved):
# This is the default location if unspecified.
elevation_target_path = r'C:\test_directory\processed_data'
Instantiate an instance of the ProcessManager
pm = ProcessManager(elevation_source_path, elevation_target_path)
Process the elevation files in that directory:
Topographic wetness index calculated for each elevation file in the supplied directory
will be located in C:\test_directory\processed_data\twi
. These TWI files will not have
edge effects on edges interior to the data set.
The following options are used by the DEMProcess object. They can be modified by setting the value before processing.
dem_proc = DEMProcessor(filename_to_elevation_geotiff)
dem_proc.fill_flats = False
Slopes & Directions
: Chunk size for slopes_directions calculation. Default512
: Overlap to use for resolving slopes and directions at chunk edges. Default4
: Fill/interpolate the elevation for flat regions before calculating slopes and directions. The direction cannot be calculated in regions where the slope is 0 because the nominal elevation is all the same. This can happen in very gradual terrain or in lake and river beds, particularly when the input elevation is composed of integers. WhenTrue
, the elevation is interpolated in those regions so that a reasonable slope and direction can be calculated. DefaultTrue
: Interpolate the elevation for flat regions that are below sea level. Water will never flow out of these "pits", so in many cases you can ignore these regions and achieve faster processing times. DefaultFalse
: When filling flats, the algorithm finds adjacent "source" pixels and "drain" pixels for each flat region and interpolates the elevation using these data points. This sets the tolerance for the elevation of source pixels above the flat region (i.e. shallow sources are used as sources but not steep cliffs). Default1
: Interpolate the elevation for flat regions that are "peaks" (local maxima). These regions have a higher elevation than all adjacent pixels, so there are no "source" pixels to use for interpolation. WhenTrue
, a single pixel is selected approximately in the center of the flat region as the "peak"/"source". DefaultTrue
: Interpolate the elevation for flat regions that are "pits" (local minima). These regions have a lower elevation than all adjacent pixels, so there are no "drain" pixels to use for interpolation. WhenTrue
, a single pixel is selected approximately in the center of the flat region as the "pit"/"drain". DefaultTrue
: Ensure edge UCA is continuous across chunks. DefaultTrue
: Chunk size for uca calculation. Default512
: Overlap to use for resolving uca at chunk edges. Default32
: Drain from "pits" to nearby but non-adjacent pixels. Pits have no lower adjacent pixels to drain to directly. Note that withfill_flats_pits
off, this setting will still drain each pixel in large flat regions, but it may be slower and produces less reasonable results. DefaultTrue
: Maximum number of iterations to look for drain pixels for pits. Generally, "nearby drains" for a pit/flat region are found by expanding the region upward/outward iteratively. Default100
: Maximum distance in coordnate-space to (non-adjacent) drains for pits. Pits that are too far from another pixel with a lower elevation will not drain. Default20
: Maximum distance in real-space to (non-adjacent) drains for pits. Pits that are too far from another pixel with a lower elevation will not drain. This filter is applied afterdrain_pits_max_dist
; if the X and Y resolution are similar, this filter is generally unnecessary. DefaultNone
: [Deprecated, replaced bydrain_pits
] Drains flat regions and pits by draining all pixels in the region to an arbitrary pixel in the region and then draining that pixel to the border of the flat region. Ignored ifdrain_pits
. DefaultFalse
: Mark edges as completed if the maximum UCA is reached when resolving drainage across edges. DefaultFalse
. If True, it may speed up large calculations.uca_saturaion_limit
: Default32
: When calculating TWI, limit TWI to max value. DefaultFalse
: When calculating TWI, limit UCA to max value. DefaultFalse
: DefaultEPSG:4326
Import and Instantiate a ProcessManager
from pydem.processing_manager import ProcessManager
# Will save results to default path: 'C:\test_directory\processed_data'
pm = ProcessManager(r'C:\test_directory')
Define a custom command. For example, to calculate hill-shading using gdal:
def command(source_elevation_file, target_file_save_location):
cmd = ['gdaldem', 'hillshade', '-s', '111120',
'-compute_edges', '-co', 'BIGTIFF=YES', '-of',
'GTiff', '-co', 'compress=lzw', '-co', 'TILED=YES',
esfile, fn]
print '<'*8, ' '.join(cmd), '>'*8
status =
return status
Process directory of files using custom command: pm.process_command(command, save_name='hillshade_files')
The results of this operation will be found in C:\test_directory\processed_data\hillshade_files
When installing pydem using the provided file, the commandline utilities TWIDinf
, AreaDinf
, and DinfFlowDir
are registered with the operating system.
usage: [-h] [--save-all]
Input_Pit_Filled_Elevation [Input_Number_of_Chunks]
Calculates a grid of topographic wetness index which is the log_e(uca / mag),
that is, the natural log of the ratio of contributing area per unit contour
length and the magnitude of the slope. Note, this function takes the elevation
as an input, and it calculates the slope, direction, and contributing area as
intermediate steps.
positional arguments:
The input pit-filled elevation file in geotiff format.
The approximate number of chunks that the input file
will be divided into for processing (potentially on
multiple processors).
Output filename for the topographic wetness index.
Default value = twi.tif .
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--save-all, --sa If set, will save all intermediate files as well.
usage: [-h] [--save-all]
Input_Pit_Filled_Elevation [Input_Number_of_Chunks]
Calculates a grid of specific catchment area which is the contributing area
per unit contour length using the multiple flow direction D-infinity approach.
Note, this is different from the equivalent tauDEM function, in that it takes
the elevation (not the flow direction) as an input, and it calculates the
slope and direction as intermediate steps.
positional arguments:
The input pit-filled elevation file in geotiff format.
The approximate number of chunks that the input file
will be divided into for processing (potentially on
multiple processors).
Output filename for the flow direction. Default value = uca.tif .
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--save-all, --sa If set, will save all intermediate files as well.
usage: [-h]
Assigns a flow direction based on the D-infinity flow method using the
steepest slope of a triangular facet (Tarboton, 1997, "A New Method for the
Determination of Flow Directions and Contributing Areas in Grid Digital
Elevation Models," Water Resources Research, 33(2): 309-319).
positional arguments:
The input pit-filled elevation file in geotiff format.
The approximate number of chunks that the input file
will be divided into for processing (potentially on
multiple processors).
Output filename for the flow direction. Default value = ang.tif .
Output filename for the flow direction. Default value = mag.tif .
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
: Contains the functions that wrap the python modules into command line
: Contains the main algorithms.- Re-implements the D-infinity method from Tarboton (1997).
- Implements a new upstream contributing area algorithm. This performs essentially the same task as previous upstream contributing area algorithms, but with some added functionality. This version deals with areas where the elevation is flat or has no data values and can be updated from the edges without re-calculating the upstream contributing area for the entire tile.
- Re-implements the calculation of the Topographic Wetness Index.
: Implements a class that manages the calculation of TWI for a directory of files.- Manages the calculation of the upstream contributing area that drains across tile edges.
- Stores errors in the processing.
- Allows multiple processes to work on the same directory without causing conflicts.
: A few helper utilities that create analytic test-cases used to develop/test
: A few helper utility functions.- Renames files in a directory.
- Parses file names.
- Wraps some
functions for reading and writing geotiff files. - Sorts the rows in an array.
: Directory containing cythonized versions of python functions
: Computationally efficient implementations of algorithms used to calculate upstream contributing area.
: Directory containing a few examples, along with an end-to-end test of the cross-tile
: Compares the calculation of the upstream contributing area over a full tile compared to multiple chunks in a file. This tests that the upstream contributing area calculation correctly drains across tile
: This compares the calculation of magnitude and aspect to taudem's algorithms. This validates that the algorithms are correctly implemented from Tarboton (1997), and also shows the differences when taking the change in coordinates into
: End-to-end test to make sure that the cross-tile calculations are correctly
: This shows how to use theProcessingManager
to calculate all of the elevation files within a directory.
: Directory containing python code used to deal with opening and closing geotiff files. Essentially wrapsgdal
to provide simpler
: Contains the `GDALReader class used to read and write geotiff files.reader.inpaint.pyx
: Cython function used to fill no-data values in
: Defines classes used to deal with different grid coordinate systems.
: Directory containing a copy of taudem for convenience.
Tarboton, D. G. (1997). A new method for the determination of flow directions and upslope areas in grid digital elevation models. Water resources research, 33(2), 309-319.
Ueckermann, Mattheus P., et al. (2015). "pyDEM: Global Digital Elevation Model Analysis." In K. Huff & J. Bergstra (Eds.), Scipy 2015: 14th Python in Science Conference. Paper presented at Austin, Texas, 6 - 12 July (pp. 117 - 124).