InfluxDB is new awesome open source time series database. But there is no official .Net client model for it. This is a feature rich .Net client for InfluxDB. All methods are exposed as Async methods, so that the calling thread will not be blocked. It currently supports
- Connecting using credentials
- Querying all existing databases
- Creating new database
- Querying for the whole DB structure (hierarchical structure of all measurements, and fields)
- Writing single, multiple values to db
To be added are
a. Query for all tags, their unique values b. Updating retention policies c. Deleting data
####Creating Client
InfluxDBClient client = new InfluxDBClient (influxUrl, dbUName, dbpwd);
####Querying all DB names
List<String> dbNames = await client.GetInfluxDBNamesAsync ();
####Querying DB structure
Dictionary<string, List<String>> = await client.GetInfluxDBStructureAsync("<db name>");
####Create new database
CreateDatabaseAsync("<db name>");