#Temperature Converter

We will be using JavaScript to make a temperature conversion utility. A folder is provided for you, with empty HTML and CSS files.


  • Create a single page using HTML/CSS that contains an <input> field, a <button> and a <div>.
  • Convert the temperature from F to C using the formula we created earlier this week (or Google it).

###User Experience

  1. User puts in a value into the text field
  2. User clicks on button
  3. div gets updated with converted value.
  4. Make a clear button to reset the fields


  1. Have the div turn blue for freezing temperatures, red for scorching temperatures.

  2. Use a dropdown or radio buttons to select different units to convert (Fahrenheit to Celsius, or Celsius to Fahrenheit)

  3. Place the <input> and <button> elements into a form, so that pressing ENTER will automatically convert the temperature. Note that there's an event type called 'submit' that you can use instead of 'click'.

  4. Add your own personal sense of style using CSS styling and positioning techniques. Ideas include:

  • different fonts (see Google Fonts for how to link fonts into a webpage)
  • images
  • colors
  • borders