Analyze fund data
crawler : web crawler built with scrapy framework
- FundIdSpider: get fund basic inforamtion
- FundZcpzSpier: get zcpz(resource allocation ) of funds.
- FundCumulativeNet: Get cumulative value of fund.
DataProcess : jupyter notebook for processing data
- Basic information analysis
- number of fund
- number of fund per company
- total asset of fund per company
- number of fund per category
- total asset of fund per catetory
- Relationship between stock and fund 2015 - 2016
- analyze relationship betwwen stock market and fund in 2015 - 2016
- ACCNAV_Analysis
- Verify is ACCNAV( fund net value will be similar for same category ) is right.
- Basic information analysis
GetStock Data : program which get stock data