-b /path/to/binary (required)
-s /path/to/script (required)
-pToken <Pushover Token>
-pUserToken <Pushover User Token>
-pTitle < message|Backup script > on host failed!
-pDisable 1 Will turn off pushover if set to 1
./backup -b /bin/bash -s /opt/backup.sh \
-pToken 2234dsafaf23 -pUserToken 3234dsafaf23 \
-pTitle The clean up script
This will run backup.sh and if it fails it will put the error message into the pushover message and send it. The Title is half hardcoded because I wanted the hostname to be put in the title so "on $host failed!" is what will be in the title.
I currenlty do not have a license on this yet, if there is any interest I will add one.
- Pull the github repo
- install cpanminus (sudo apt install cpanminus)
- cpanm pp
- cd /path/of/github/repo
- cpanm --installdeps . (this will install dependencies needed)
- pp -o backup backup.pl (create a binary from the pl file)
- chmod +x backup
- ./backup