
Some very simple examples to get you started with the Line-us API

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Getting Started with Line-us Programming

Line-us is a small internet connected robot drawing arm. It copies your movements in real time and draws with a real pen on paper.

Line-us can be controlled using a simple API, either TCP Sockets or Websockets. The commands are a subset of GCode, loosely based on the RepRap spec. The supported GCode set is described in the GCode Specification Document but the primary command used for drawing is the G01 (interpolated move) command.

Be sure to check out the Line-us Drawing Area Diagram which will tell you all you need to know about the co-ordinate system that Line-us uses and the shape of the drawing space.

The simplest way to get started is to try one of the examples below.


Simple Example code to get you started with programming

Applications and other fun things to do with your Line-us

Libraries to make programming easy

Protocol details for people who want to know how it all works

Simple Example code to get you started with programming

Simple Python Example

There are two simple examples for python. Source code for a very simple example using the TCP Sockets API can be downloaded from here. The example works with Python 2.7 and Python 3, but Python 3 is preferred. There is also Source code for a straightforward prot of the TCP example to use the websockets API that can be downloaded here. For the sake of clarity the Websockets example tries to sidestep the use of asyncio by wrapping each of the async functions.

Simple Processing Example

Source code for a very simple example can be downloaded from here. The example works with with Processing 3.3.7 (Java) - just copy and paste into your Processing window.

Simple Node Example

Pandrr has ported our Python example to Node! - check out his GitHub here

Simple Dart Example

Source code for a very simple example can be downloaded from here. You'll need Dart installed.

Simple C Example

Source code for a simple example in C created by Paul Haberli can be downloaded from here. The code complies on MACOS using gcc but should be fairly portable. A Makefile is also included so if you have gcc in your path, just type 'make'

Simple C Sharp Unity Example PopLineus

C# (wrapped in unity for now) implementation of the protocol for Line-us created by solentygraham, check out his GitHub here

Applications and other fun things to do with your Line-us

Line-us plays music

We've taught Line-us to play keyboards with some simple Python3 code that can be downloaded from here. It's Python3 only so if you're on a Mac you'll need to install Python3 for it to work. We've put all of the keyboard code into a module, so you will need to istall that using pip install lineusmusic. When you install lineusmusic you'll also get the lineus module, but if you want to install that separately you can pip install lineus. As usual, we'd recommend using a virtual environment - my prefenece is pipenv but there are a few options.

Music notation is lower case for natural notes and upper case for sharp, so 'a' is natural a and A is a#. Next, we have the octave, '-' is one octave down and '+' one up. The key is fixed as c major at the moment so this means that the note below c on the keyboard is b-. Lastly we have the duration. The default length is one beat, the length of which is set using set_bpm(), and you can set the length to multiples of this. So, for example a2 is an 'a' note played for two beats. An 'r' indicates a rest of one beat.

When you create the Keyboard object it moves Line-us to a 'home' position. This is keyboard specific but for the Volca and Stylophone it's 'c' so the input() is included in the code to allow you to make sure your Line-us is in the right position before playing the song.

It's easy to add a new keyboard type (see the LineUsMusic module docs for details) but for now we have support for Stylophone and the Korg VolcaFM (actually it will work for some of the other Volcas too as they have the same keyboard layout). Line-us can't reach to full range of the Volca keyboard so there are two options keyboard='VolcaFM' and keyboard='VolcaFMLow'. I've included scales for the keyboards we support so you can see what notes you have available.

Line-us JS Kit

Write commands in JavaScript and preview the drawing in your browser before sending to Line-us! Created by Alex Kempton, check out his Github here

Java Generative App By Fiskdebug

Very nice Java app available as source or an installable package for Mac on @fiskfamilij's GitHub

SVG Plotter by Michael Zöllner

Great little app to plot your SVG files directly to Line-us. Available as installers for Mac and Windows or source with instructions on Michael's GitHub. Note you may need to change the Line-us name in the App - hit the 'a' key and enter line-us.local if you have problems connecting.

Coordinate and control multiple Line-us

Processing code developed by Markus Selmke to coordinate the motion of multiple Line-us. The program lets you control 4 Line-Us devices simultaneously in a single coordinate system, preventing the devices collision by a bounding box method. The code is available on his GitHub

Libraries to make programming easy

Official Python module for Line-us

This is the official Line-us Python Module. It includes machine discovery via DNS-sd and access to all of the Line-us GCodes. There is a Quickstart guide that covers the basics and also full documentation if you want to dig a bit deeper. It's open source so you can also check it out on GitHub.

Javascript Library by Beardicus

If you're thinking of writing some Javascript you should definitely check out this library as it will make your life much easier. It handles connection, queueing and all of the things you really don't want to do yourself. Works in the browser as well as with Node. Everything you need is at Beardicus's GitHub

PHP Library by fxmorin

A library created by fxmorin to allow you to use your Line-us with PHP. Available at fxmorin's GitHub

R Library by benjaminschwetz

A library for R, built on the Python library. Available at benjaminschwetz's GitHub

Protocol details for people who want to know how it all works


As of firmware 3.0.0 Line-us offers a webscokets API as well as the original TCP Sockets API. All of the commands and responses are the same across both of the APIs, but there are a small number of commands that are not avaialble in the websockets API for security reasons (for example M587 to set WiFi details). Details are in the GCode Specification Document.

Making a Connection

The default name for Line-us is line-us, although it can be changed using the M550 Gcode command or using the App. Line-us supports mDNS (Bonjour) so by default the hostname will be line-us.local. On a successful connection Line-us will respond with a hello message followed by KEY:value pairs for VERSION (firmware version number) NAME (the name of the Line-us) and SERIAL (the serial number of the Line-us). For example hello VERSION:"3.2.0 Nov 17 2019 17:54:57" NAME:line-us SERIAL:123456

TCP Sockets Connection

Line-us listens on TCP port 1337 and the connection to Line-us can be tested with a telnet client by using the command telnet line-us.local 1337. On connection you will receive the hello message, which (like all messages from Line-us) is terminated with \r\n\0. In firmware < 3.0.0 it was very important that the full hello message was read from the socket including the \0 before any commands were sent. Firmware 3.0.0 or later has an improved TCP stack that means that this is no longer critical. It is still best to read the message though.

Websockets Connection

The websockets URL for your Line-us (assuming you're using the default name) is ws://line-us.local. Note that it is not a secure (wss:) websocket - unfortunately Line-us's tiny brain isn't quite up to running SSL. On connection you will receive the hello message and once you've received it you can start to send GCode. A simple way to experiment with the websockets API is to use Firecamp - just connect and send one GCode per message.

Sending Gcode

GCode commands are a command followed by a zero or more parameters separated by white space. Parameters are a single letter followed immediately by the value. The GCode Specification Document has details of all of the available GCodes, but a simepl example would be G01 X1000 Y0 Z1000 to move to point (1000, 0) with the pen up. Where necessary the values can be enclosed in double quotes " for example M587 Smy-ssid P"password with spaces" if you have spaces in your WiFi password. For TCP Sockets connections GCode commands must be terminated by one of, or a combination of \r, \n, and \0. Websockets connections do not require any terminators in the messages.

Responses from Line-us

Each GCode response will result in a response message from Line-us, which will start with either ok indicating success, or error indicating an error and is followed by zero or more KEY:value pairs as described in the GCode Specification Document. For TCP Sockets the response message is terminated with \r\n\0. In firmware < 3.0.0 it was essential that the full response message was read from the socket including the \0 before the next command was sent. This is no longer the case with firmware 3.0.0 or later although it is still advisable to read the messages. Fow websockets the respnse will be received in a text messsage.


If a GCode command that moves the arm is sent to Line-us while the arm is still in motion the command will be accepted, but the response message will not be sent until the prior movement has completed. This means that the sender will remain in sync with the arm (at most there will be one outstanding command).

Co-ordinate System

Line-us GCode commands use 'machine co-ordinates'. The origin point (0, 0) for the co-ordinate system is at the centre point of the servo shafts, and GCode commands use drawing units (100 drawing units is approximately 5mm). The home point for the arm is (1000, 1000). The z axis is the pen height; 0 is down and 1000 is up. The shape if the drawing area is not rectangular. See the Line-us Drawing Area Diagram for details. If a GCode for a movement outside of the drawing is sent Line-us will move to something approximating the closest it can get to that point while still remaining within the drawing area and lift the pen.

CAUTION for firmware 1.0.1 and lower

It should not be possible to send a GCode that overstretches the arm, or causes it to hit the body of Line-us. However, in firmware 1.0.1 and lower there is an area where the pen screw can come into contact with the body. For y positions < 0 the x coordinate should be limited to x >= 700 by your software as firmware 1.0.1 and lower allow x >= 500 in this zone. This will has now been fixed so please update to the latest firmware.