Motion profile generator

Matlab and cpp (Arduino specific) libraries are available. It should be relatively easy to port the cpp version to other platforms.


  • On the fly profile generation

  • Supports Trapezoidal and Constant motion profiles


#include "MotionProfile.h"

 * Initialization
 * @param int aVelocityMax maximum velocity (units/s)
 * @param int aAccelerationMax maximum acceleration (units/s^2)
 * @param short aMethod method of profile generation (1 = trapezoidal)
 * @param int aSampleTime sample time (ms)
MotionProfile trapezoidalProfile = new MotionProfile(200, 100, 1, 10);

 * Usage
 // Update setpoint for profile calculation and retrieve calculated setpoint
 float finalSetpoint = 1000;
 float setpoint = trapezoidalProfile->update(finalSetpoint)

 // Check if profile is finished
 if (trapezoidalProfile->getFinished()) {};

 // Reset internal state

Example graphs

Trapezoidal motion profile

![Simulation of a trapezoidal motion profile]( Limit velocity at 0.15 units/s and acceleration at 0.1 units/s^2.

Constant motion profile

![Simulation of a constant motion profile]( Limit velocity at 0.15 units/s.

Usage of generator in an experiment


This library has been developed by [Wilbert van de Ridder]( as part of a BSc assignment at the [University of Twente](