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Automatic Your Proccess
[created by Nafis]
This Script is Automate Your Work
[*] Things you can do with this Script
- Make a Payload
- Create a Wordlist
- Create Fake AP
- Deauth Attack
:::::Disconnect users from there wifi network using deauth attack,
- GeoLocate an IP
- view public ip
- Crack wpa2 handshake
:::::use aircrack-ng to crack wpa2 handshake file.
- Capture Handshake
:::::use aircrack-ng to capture wpa2 handshake file.
- Nmap Scan
:::::Do Multi type of scan through nmap.
More Things are Coming.........
......Follow Me On.......
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Website: http://majorhacke.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://facebook.com/majorhacke