
Displays a hierarchical view of data in a table.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

name label description
Basic Tree Grid
A tree grid displays structured data in a table with expandable rows.
name label description
Tree Grid With Expanded Rows
Expanded row names can be retrieved using JavaScript.
name label description
Asynchronous Loading of Nested Items
For improved performance, a tree grid can load content only when the rows expand.

A lightning-tree-grid component displays hierarchical data in a table. Its appearance resembles lightning-datatable, with the exception that each row can be expanded to reveal a nested group of items. Rows that contain nested data display a chevron icon to denote that they can be expanded or collapsed. This visual representation is useful for displaying structured data such as account hierarchy or forecasting data.

Each column's formatting is determined by its data type. For example, a phone number is displayed as a hyperlink with the tel: URL scheme by specifying the phone type. The default type is text.

This component inherits styling from trees in the Lightning Design System.

Inline editing and sorting of columns are not supported. Supported features include:

  • Displaying and formatting of columns with appropriate data types
  • Header-level actions
  • Row-level actions
  • Resizing of columns
  • Selecting of rows
  • Text wrapping and clipping

A checkbox is displayed by default in the first column. The hide-checkbox-column attribute removes the checkbox.

Initialize your tree grid data using the data, columns, and key-field attributes and define their values in JavaScript. Note that key-field is required.

This example creates a tree grid with 5 columns, where the first column displays a checkbox for row selection. Selecting the checkbox enables you to select the entire row of data and triggers the onrowselection event handler. The expanded-rows attribute is optional, and expands nested items on a row when provided.

The example includes two buttons whose handlers call lightning-tree-grid methods to collapse all rows and to show which rows are expanded.

    <div class="slds-m-bottom_small">
            label="Collapse All"

    <div class="slds-m-bottom_small">
            label="Get Expanded"
        <p>Expanded currently : {currentExpandedStr}</p>


This example JavaScript creates selectable rows, with the row named 123555 having no nested data and the row named 123556 having two levels of nested data. The Account Owner column displays labels with an associated URL. Nested items must be defined using the _children key.

import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';

const columns = [
        type: 'text',
        fieldName: 'accountName',
        label: 'Account Name'
        type: 'number',
        fieldName: 'employees',
        label: 'Employees'
        type: 'phone',
        fieldName: 'phone',
        label: 'Phone Number'
        type: 'url',
        fieldName: 'accountOwner',
        label: 'Account Owner',
        typeAttributes: {
            label: { fieldName: 'accountOwnerName' }

const nestedData = [
        "name": "123555",
        "accountName": "Rewis Inc",
        "employees": 3100,
        "phone": "837-555-1212",
        "accountOwner": "http://example.com/jane-doe",
        "accountOwnerName": "Jane Doe"
        "name": "123556",
        "accountName": "Acme Corporation",
        "employees": 10000,
        "phone": "837-555-1212",
        "accountOwner": "http://example.com/john-doe",
        "accountOwnerName": "John Doe",
        "_children": [
                "name": "123556-A",
                "accountName": "Acme Corporation (Bay Area)",
                "employees": 3000,
                "phone": "837-555-1212",
                "accountOwner": "http://example.com/john-doe",
                "accountOwnerName": "John Doe",
                "_children": [
                        "name": "123556-A-A",
                        "accountName": "Acme Corporation (Oakland)",
                        "employees": 745,
                        "phone": "837-555-1212",
                        "accountOwner": "http://example.com/john-doe",
                        "accountOwnerName": "John Doe"
                        "name": "123556-A-B",
                        "accountName": "Acme Corporation (San Francisco)",
                        "employees": 578,
                        "phone": "837-555-1212",
                        "accountOwner": "http://example.com/jane-doe",
                        "accountOwnerName": "Jane Doe"

export default class DemoElement extends LightningElement {}

This example JavaScript shows that row 123556 is expanded initially.

The columns, data, and currentExpanded properties are private reactive properties, which is indicated by the @track decorator in the JS file. If the values of any of these properties change, the component's template rerenders.

The clickToGetExpanded() function calls the getCurrentExpandedRows() method to retrieve the names of the rows that are currently expanded.

const initialExpandedRows = ['123556'];

export default class DemoElement extends LightningElement {
    @track columns = columns;
    @track data = nestedData;
    @track currentExpanded = initialExpandedRows;

    clickToGetExpanded(e) {
        const grid =  this.template.querySelector('lightning-tree-grid');
        this.currentExpanded = grid.getCurrentExpandedRows();

    get currentExpandedStr() {
        return this.currentExpanded.toString();

Additionally, you can toggle nested items using expandAll() and collapseAll() methods supported by lightning-tree-grid.

These functions show how to use the expandAll() and collapseAll() methods. The Collapse All button in the example calls the clickToExpandAll() function.

clickToExpandAll(e) {
        const grid =  this.template.querySelector('lightning-tree-grid');

clickToCollapseAll(e) {
        const grid =  this.template.querySelector('lightning-tree-grid');

Working with Column Properties

Use the following column properties to customize the behavior and visual aspects of your columns.

Attribute Type Description
label string Required. The text label displayed in the column header.
fieldName string Required. The name that binds the columns attributes to the associated data. Each columns attribute must correspond to an item in the data array.
type string Required. The data type to be used for data formatting. For more information, see Formatting with Data Types.
initialWidth integer The width of the column when it's initialized, which must be within the minColumnWidth and maxColumnWidth values, or within 50px and 1000px if they are not provided.
typeAttributes object Provides custom formatting with component attributes for the data type. For example, currencyCode for the currency type. For more information, see Formatting with Data Types.
cellAttributes object Provides additional customization, such as appending an icon to the output. For more information, see Appending an Icon to Column Data
actions object Appends a dropdown menu of actions to a column. You must pass in a list of label-name pairs.
iconName string The Lightning Design System name of the icon. Names are written in the format standard:opportunity. The icon is appended to the left of the header label.

Formatting with Data Types

The tree grid formats the data cells of a column based on the type you specify for the column. Each data type is associated with a base Lightning web component. For example, specifying the text type renders the associated data using a lightning-formatted-text component. Some of these types allow you to pass in the attributes via the typeAttributes attribute to customize your output.

The properties you pass with typeAttributes must be specified using the format shown here, not the format that's used for Lightning web component attributes in your HTML template. For example, although lightning-formatted-number recognizes a currency-code attribute, you must specify it as currencyCode with the typeAttributes property. For supported attribute values, refer to the component's documentation.

The first data column in the tree grid supports the following data types.

Type Description Supported Type Attributes
button Displays a button using lightning-button disabled, iconName, iconPosition, label, name, title, variant
button-icon Displays a button icon using lightning-button-icon alternativeText, class, disabled, iconClass, iconName, name, title, variant
currency Displays a currency using lightning-formatted-number currencyCode, currencyDisplayAs, minimumIntegerDigits, minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits, minimumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits
date Displays a date and time based on the locale using lightning-formatted-date-time day, era, hour, hour12, minute, month, second, timeZone, timeZoneName, weekday, year
number Displays a number using lightning-formatted-number minimumIntegerDigits, minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits, minimumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits
percent Displays a percentage using lightning-formatted-number Same as number type
text Displays text using lightning-formatted-text N/A
url Displays a URL using lightning-formatted-url label, target, tooltip

All other columns support the following data types.

Type Description Supported Type Attributes
action Displays a dropdown menu using lightning-button-menu with actions as menu items rowActions (required), menuAlignment (defaults to right)
boolean Displays the icon utility:check if the value is true, and a blank value otherwise. N/A
button Displays a button using lightning-button disabled, iconName, iconPosition, label, name, title, variant
button-icon Displays a button icon using lightning-button-icon alternativeText, class, disabled, iconClass, iconName, name, title, variant
currency Displays a currency using lightning-formatted-number currencyCode, currencyDisplayAs, minimumIntegerDigits, minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits, minimumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits
date Displays a date and time based on the locale using lightning-formatted-date-time day, era, hour, hour12, minute, month, second, timeZone, timeZoneName, weekday, year
date-local Displays a simple date that is formatted based on the locale. The value passed is assumed to be in the browser local time zone and there is no time zone transformation. day, month, year
email Displays an email address using lightning-formatted-email N/A
location Displays a latitude and longitude of a location using lightning-formatted-location latitude, longitude
number Displays a number using lightning-formatted-number minimumIntegerDigits, minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits, minimumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits
percent Displays a percentage using lightning-formatted-number Same as number type
phone Displays a phone number using lightning-formatted-phone N/A
text Displays text using lightning-formatted-text linkify
url Displays a URL using lightning-formatted-url label, target, tooltip

To customize the formatting based on the data type, pass in the attributes for the corresponding base Lightning web component. For example, pass in a custom currencyCode value to override the default currency code.

    var columns = [
        {label: 'Amount', fieldName: 'amount', type: 'currency', typeAttributes: { currencyCode: 'EUR' }}
        // other column data

When using currency or date and time types, the default user locale is used when no locale formatting is provided. For more information on attributes, see the corresponding component documentation.

Appending an Icon to Column Data

To append an icon to your data output, use cellAttributes and pass in these attributes.

Attribute Description
iconName Required. The Lightning Design System name of the icon, for example, utility:down.
iconLabel The label for the icon to be displayed on the right of the icon.
iconPosition The position of the icon relative to the data. Valid options include left and right. This value defaults to left.
iconAlternativeText Descriptive text for the icon.

You can add an icon with or without a label. This example defines two columns with icons. The first column specifies the utility:event icon for all rows using the iconName cell attribute, and the icon displays to the left of the data without a label. The second column uses computed values for the iconName and iconLabel and displays the icon to the right of the data.

    const columns = [
       // simple icon
        { label: 'Close date', fieldName: 'closeDate', type: 'date', sortable: true, cellAttributes: { iconName: 'utility:event', iconAlternativeText: 'Close Date' }},
       // icon appended with a label
        { label: 'Confidence', fieldName: 'confidence', type: 'percent', cellAttributes:
               { iconName: { fieldName: 'confidenceDeltaIcon' }, iconLabel: { fieldName: 'confidenceDelta' }, iconPosition: 'right', iconAlternativeText: 'Percentage Confidence' }}
        // other column data

Creating Header-Level and Row-Level Actions

Header-level actions refer to tasks you can perform on a column of data, while row-level actions refer to tasks you can perform on a row of data, such as updating or deleting the row. Creating actions in lightning-tree-grid is similar to creating actions in lightning-datatable. For more information, see lightning-datatable.

Asynchronous Loading of Nested Items

If you have a large number of nested items that would delay the loading of your data, consider loading your nested items asynchronously. The nested items are displayed only when you expand the particular row. To do so, initialize your data without nested items, then add the nested items separately when the row is expanded.

Handle asynchronous loading of nested items when a row is expanded using the ontoggle action. Find the name of the row being expanded and check if data for the nested items is already available before retrieving and displaying the nested items.

function getNewDataWithChildren (rowName, data, children) {

    return data.map(function(row) {
        let hasChildrenContent = false;
        if (row.hasOwnProperty('_children') && Array.isArray(row._children) && row._children.length > 0) {
            hasChildrenContent = true;

        if (row.name === rowName) {
            row._children = children;
        } else if (hasChildrenContent) {
            getNewDataWithChildren(rowName, row._children, children);

        return row;

handleRowToggle(event) {

        const newChildren = [
                "name": "123555-A",
                "accountName": "Rewis Inc (Oakland)",
                "employees": 345,
                "phone": "837-555-1212",
                "accountOwner": "http://example.com/john-doe",
                "accountOwnerName": "John Doe"
                "name": "123555-B",
                "accountName": "Rewis Inc (San Francisco)",
                "employees": 435,
                "phone": "837-555-1212",
                "accountOwner": "http://example.com/jane-doe",
                "accountOwnerName": "Jane Doe"

        const rowName = event.detail.name;
        const hasChildrenContent = event.detail.hasChildrenContent;

        if (!hasChildrenContent) {
            this.data = getNewDataWithChildren(rowName, this.data, newChildren);

Text Wrapping and Clipping

You can wrap or clip text within columns, which either expands the rows to reveal more content or truncate the content to a single line within the column.

To toggle between the two views, select Wrap text or Clip text from the dropdown menu on the column header.

If the number of characters is more than what the column width can hold, content is clipped by default. Text wrapping is supported only for the following data types.

  • currency
  • date
  • email
  • location
  • number
  • percent
  • phone
  • text
  • url


This component supports navigation mode and action mode using the keyboard. To enter navigation mode, tab into the table, which triggers focus on the first data cell in the table body. Use the arrow keys to move around the table.

To enter action mode, press the Enter key or Space Bar. Columns can be resized in action mode. To resize a column, navigate to the header by pressing the Up Arrow key. Then, press the Tab key to activate the column divider, and resize the column using the Left Arrow and Right Arrow key. To finish resizing the column and return to navigation mode, press the Tab key.

When focus is on a cell that contains a link, pressing enter to navigate to the link is currently not supported. This limitation applies to cells that contain data of type url, phone, and email.

Custom Events


The event fired when a row is expanded or collapsed.

The toggle event returns the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
name string The unique ID for the row that's toggled.
isExpanded boolean Specifies whether the row is expanded or not.
hasChildrenContent boolean Specifies whether any data is available for the nested items of this row. When value is false, _children is null, undefined, or an empty array. When value is true, _children has a non-empty array.
row object The toggled row data.

The event properties are as follows.

Property Value Description
bubbles false This event does not bubble.
cancelable false This event has no default behavior that can be canceled. You can't call preventDefault() on this event.
composed false This event does not propagate outside the template in which it was dispatched.


The event fired when all rows are expanded or collapsed.

The toggleall event returns the following parameter.

Parameter Type Description
isExpanded boolean Specifies whether the row is expanded or not.

The event properties are as follows.

Property Value Description
bubbles false This event does not bubble.
cancelable false This event has no default behavior that can be canceled. You can't call preventDefault() on this event.
composed false This event does not propagate outside the template in which it was dispatched.


The event fired when a row is selected.

The event properties are as follows.

Property Value Description
bubbles false This event does not bubble.
cancelable false This event has no default behavior that can be canceled. You can't call preventDefault() on this event.
composed false This event does not propagate outside the template in which it was dispatched.


The event fired when a header-level action is run.

The event properties are as follows.

Property Value Description
bubbles false This event does not bubble.
cancelable false This event has no default behavior that can be canceled. You can't call preventDefault() on this event.
composed false This event does not propagate outside the template in which it was dispatched.


The event fired when a row-level action is run.

The event properties are as follows.

Property Value Description
bubbles false This event does not bubble.
cancelable false This event has no default behavior that can be canceled. You can't call preventDefault() on this event.
composed false This event does not propagate outside the template in which it was dispatched.