
A Command-line Tool for Meteor to Create Custom Commands, Generators, and Scaffolding

Primary LanguageJavaScript

io (for Meteor)

io is a pluggable and extendable, command-line scaffolding tool written entirely in es6.

It gives you the ability to create custom commands, generators, and templates to facilitate your Meteor workflow.

Windows has not yet been thoroughly tested.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

io leverage es6 and required node v4.2.1 or later.

To install the meteor-io npm package:

npm install -g meteor-io

And then run io from anywhere:


io will ask you to specify a directory to set up a couple sample generators, templates, and a config file.

After you specify a directory, io will create a director that looks similar to this:


To create a new io project:

io create project-name

This will set up a boiler plate io project for you.

If you're not happy with the structure of the project that io creates, you can always override the create command by generating one of your own:

io g:cmd create

This will create a command for at: path/to/your/io/commands/create.js

(If you forget where io is installed, run io --help)

Once your project is created, you can then cd into your project and run the io command to start the server:


Config Files

The first time you run the io command, it will create a global config for you: path/to/your/io/.io/config.json You can modify this file to control which packages will be installed and removed when you run io create project-name. By default, it will install: kadira:flow-router and kadira:blaze-layout, and remove: autopublish and insecure.

io will also create a local config file for you in your project when you run io create project-name. Local config settings will trump globals.


io automatically creates a couple of sample generators for you. One to generate routes—io uses FlowRouter by default, but you can set it up to use any router, and one to generate templates. You'll be able to see and modify these generators in your local io/generators folder, and run them with the following commands:

io g:route route-name
io g:template template-name

To create a new pluggable generator:

io g:generator generator-name


Command and generators both extend the Command class, and both have access to the same functionality. They're just two separate means to organize actions. And command are called without the g: prefix.

To run a command:

io command-name args

To generate a new pluggable command:

io g:cmd command-name


io uses handlebars to generate templates. Templates can be used to dynamically create files and resources for you app. Take for example the template that's used to generate helpers, events, and life-cycle callbacks when you run io g:template template-name. The template that's used to generate those resources can be found at path/to/your/io/templates/template.js, and looks like this:



Template.{{name}}.onCreated(function () {

Template.{{name}}.onRendered(function () {

Template.{{name}}.onDestroyed(function () {

And we can use this template and interpolate the data by calling writeTemplateWithData or writeTemplatesWithData. For example, given the command io g:template template-name:

  run(args, argv) {

    var fileBaseName = self.getBaseName(args[1]);
    // template-name

    var camelCaseName = self.camelize(fileBaseName);
    // templateName

      src: [this.ioTemplatesPath, 'template.js'],
      dest: [this.config.dest, fileBaseName + '.js'],
      data: { name: camelCaseName }


io provides you with a high-level API for creating custom commands and generators. All of which can be accessed and called from within the run() methods of your generators and commands.


Gets the path to your io templates.


Gets the path to your io project.


Gets the path to your meteor app inside the io project.


Gets the path to your app's local setting.json file.


Gets the path to your app's local env.sh file.


Gets the global config in a JSON format.


Gets the project's local config in a JSON format.


Gets the global config in a JSON format.


Gets both the local and global config, merges them, and returns the JSON.


Creates a directory with a given path String, or an Array of path parts.


run(args, argv) {
  this.mkdir([this.appPath, 'client', templates]);
  // Creates a directory at: path/to/project/app/client/templates
run(args, argv) {
  // creates a directory at: path/to/project/app/client/templates

this.mkdirs([path], [path]);

Creates x number of directories with given path Strings, or Arrays of path parts.


run(args, argv) {
  var templatesPath = this.join(this.appPath, 'client', templates);
  this.mkdirs([templatesPath, 'public'],
              [templatesPath, 'admin']);
  // Creates directories at:
  // path/to/project/app/client/templates/public
  // path/to/project/app/client/templates/admin

this.copy([srcPath], [destPath]);

Copies a file from the given source path to the destination path.

Both paths can be either a String, or an array of path parts.


run(args, argv) {
  var src = this.join(this.ioTemplatesPath, 'sample.js');
  var dest = this.join(this.appPath, 'client', 'templates', 'sample.js');
  this.copy(src, dest);
  // Copies the file from: path/to/your/io/templates/sample.js
  // to: path/to/your/project/app/client/templates/sample.js

this.copyAll({ src: src, dest: dest }, { src: src, dest: dest });

Copies x number of files from given source paths to destination paths.


run(args, argv) {
  var appTemplatesPath = this.join(this.appPath, 'client', 'templates');
    src: [this.ioTemplatesPath, 'sample-one.js'],
    dest: [appTemplatesPath, 'sample-one.js']
  }, {
    src: [this.ioTemplatesPath, 'sample-two.js'],
    dest: [appTemplatesPath, 'sample-two.js']
  // from: path/to/your/io/templates/sample-one.js
  // to: path/to/your/project/app/client/templates/sample-one.js
  // from: path/to/your/io/templates/sample-two.js
  // to: path/to/your/project/app/client/templates/sample-two.js


This will remove the file at the given source path.

this.removeAll([srcPath], [srcPath]);

This will remove x number of files at the given source paths.

this.writeTemplateWithData({ src: [path], dest: [path], data: data });

Grabs a template, interpolates the data, and writes the template to the specified dest path.


run(args, argv) {
  var appTemplatesPath = this.join(this.appPath, 'client', 'templates');
    src: [this.ioTemplatesPath, 'sample.js'],
    dest: [appTemplatesPath, 'sample.js'],
    data: { name: 'demo' }
  // This will get the template from `path/to/your/io/templates/sample.js`,
  // interpolate the data, and write the file to `path/to/your/project/app/client/templates/sample.js`

this.writeTemplatesWithData({args}, {args});

Same as writeTemplateWithData, but allows you to write multiple templates with data.


run(args, argv) {
  var appTemplatesPath = this.join(this.appPath, 'client', 'templates');
    src: [this.ioTemplatesPath, 'sample.js'],
    dest: [appTemplatesPath, 'sample.js'],
    data: { name: 'demo' }
  }, {
    src: [this.ioTemplatesPath, 'sample-two.js'],
    dest: [appTemplatesPath, 'sample-two.js'],
    data: { name: 'demo' }
  // This will get the template from `path/to/your/io/templates/sample.js`,
  // interpolate the data, and write the file to `path/to/your/project/app/client/templates/sample.js`
  // And the template from `path/to/your/io/templates/sample-two.js`,
  // interpolate the data, and write the file to `path/to/your/project/app/client/templates/sample-two.js`


Write a blank file to the specified filePath. filePath must be a String.


run(args, argv) {
  // Creates a blank file at path/to/your/project/app/client/templates/sample.js