
Fork this repo then clone your fork onto your local machines. Inside each folder you'll find an image. That image contains the layout you need to build with HTML and CSS. The 'first' folder contains an index.html and a style.css file. In the other folders you'll need to add them yourself. *Your first step should be connecting your CSS sheet with your HTML sheet.

Learning Objectives (you will):

  • Understand the purpose of HTML
  • Understand the purpose of CSS
  • From scratch, be able to create a skeleton for their html and css page
  • Understand and be able to use the following HTML Elements
    • p
    • footer
    • header
    • h1-h6
    • ul
    • li
    • div
  • Understand and be able to use the following CSS properties
    • id (#) vs class(.) and specificity
    • width px && %
    • height px && %
    • background-color
    • background-image
    • color
    • font-size
    • text-align: center;
    • line-height
    • float
    • clear
    • Box Model in CSS (margin, padding, border)