
Angular Airlines Backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular Airlines Backend

This project is to demonstrate some of the Spreedly API functionality. Works in tandem with https://github.com/scottmtraver/angular-airlines-fe Angular Frontend and Spreedly Express

Development server

Install the required JS packages with npm install

Create a .env file in the root of the project and use the sample_env template to fill our your Spreedly specifics

Run the server localhost:3000 with node app.js


There are five primary endpoints (localhost:3000/)

  • /info - GET - will log the env vars to the background server process console
  • /flights - GET - returns all flights from the test dataset
  • /flight/{id | Number} - GET - returns a specific flight
  • /purchase - POST params { flightId: number, token: string, keepCC?: boolean } This method purchases using token (payment method token) against the registered gateway in .env. Returns { success: boolean, message: string }
  • /passthrough - POST params { flightId: number, token: string } This method purchases using token (payment method token) against the receiver registered in .env. Returns { success: boolean, message: string }
  • /transactions - GET - returns all the transactions for this environment (paginated per spreedly* pagination not implement in frontend)