Fast and easy audio synthesis in C++.
Prefer coding to patching? Love clean syntax? Care about performance? That's how we feel too, and why we made Tonic.
Here look. With Tonic you can create an awesome synthesizer with just a couple lines of code.
ControlXYSpeed speed = ControlXYSpeed().x(addParameter("x")).y(addParameter("y"));
outputGen = RectWave().freq(100).pwm( 0.1 + (SineWave().freq(0.1) + 1) * 0.1) * SineWave().freq(1) >> LPF12().cutoff(100 + 600 * speed);
This code creates a rectangle wave oscillator, modulates that oscillator by a sine wave, adds some slow tremelo, and sends it through a filter. On top of all that, it maps mouse speed to the cutoff frequency.
You can browse more synth examples here
Tonic comes with three flavors of demo, currently only for OSX. We plan to add demo projects for Windows and Linux in the future.
- Very simple Standalone Demo for building a non-interactive synth patch that runs from the command line
- Two openFrameworks Demos for integrating tonic with openFrameworks. Check the README for installation instructions
- iOS Demo for making synths on your iPhone/iPad.