Exercises for pair programming in technical interviews.
Our teams are highly collaborative. The expectation is that team members will spend the majority of their time doing pair programming. As such, our objective is not to see how well you can write an alogrithm or solve a problem under pressure. Rather, the objective is to have a collaborative experience during the interivew process that can gauge how you would do in a highly collaborative environment like ours.
We don't expect people to have the breadth of C# committed to memory. You should feel free to use any resources that would typically be available to you during your day to day activities; that would include IDEs and similar tools, web-based resources and, of course, us.
Talk out loud through your though process, and ask questions as you go.
Check a list of IPs against a filter and output to the console which are allowed and which are denied.
Write a program that determines whether a specific string is a lucky number.
Implement a method that creates a new string from the string supplied to make the unit tests pass.