
O'Hara Group JS style guide

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

O'Hara Group JS style guide


  1. Add this module as a devDependency to your project (`npm install eslint-config-oharagroup --save-dev)
  2. Create eslint.config.js (for ESM projects) or eslint.config.mjs (for CJS projects) as follows:

For JS-only projects

import oharagroup from "eslint-config-oharagroup";

export default [

	// add any additional config here

For JS + TS projects

import oharagroup from "eslint-config-oharagroup";
import tseslint from "typescript-eslint";

export default tseslint.config(

	// add any additional config here

For Svelte + TS projects

import oharagroup from "eslint-config-oharagroup";
import tseslint from "typescript-eslint";

export default tseslint.config(

	// add any additional config here

Upgrading to new eslint versions:

  1. Apply any rule changes to the corresponding rule files
  2. Run linting on this package (npm run lint)
  3. Update the eslint version in package.json, and bump the package version
  4. Ensure that this package is registered for linking (cd [this dir] && npm link)
  5. Test by going to a project that uses the shared config and npm link eslint-config-oharagroup
  6. Publish the new version (npm run publish)
  7. Unlink the local version in the test project if necessary (npm unlink)


The package defines three configs to choose from, depending on the type of project:

  1. JS-only projects (oharagroup.js)
  2. JS + TS projects (oharagroup.ts)
  3. Svelte + TS projects (oharagroup.svelte)
Config Files matched Rules applied to all matching files
oharagroup.js *.js
oharagroup.ts *.js
oharagroup.svelte *.js
(includes <script> blocks in Svelte)
(includes <script lang="ts"> blocks in Svelte)