- 6
Determining prepfold P and Pdot step sizes
#202 opened by k-perez - 1
Question on the arrival time listed for a pulse candidate found in ``
#204 opened by afinemax - 4
- 8
- 3
Bug? In ``, not actually using user imputed `--loDM` & `--hiDM` Or maybe I am not using the arg correctly?
#201 opened by afinemax - 2
- 1
#198 opened by jackttj - 10
Feature request related to plotting
#196 opened by aweaver1fandm - 2
- 4
- 1
Import Error on
#168 opened by karina-ks - 6
- 1
Discrepancy between time for single pulse with and
#189 opened by suaraujo - 1
- 3
ERROR: Failed building wheel for pyslalib
#187 opened by xuhengdada - 4
a memory issue about test_presto_python
#186 opened by mylonelywolf - 15
Errors in running "test_presto_python"
#162 opened by Adirana27 - 5
Remove the Pusar Miner in FAQ
#185 opened by joezhouchenye - 2
- 4
PFD file format?
#183 opened by indrajitbarve - 2
undefined symbol: _gfortran_st_close
#180 opened by AdamLusvith - 2
- 2
- 2
Automated documentation for `PRESTO`?
#177 opened by astrogewgaw - 3
Packaging `PRESTO` for multiple OSes?
#178 opened by astrogewgaw - 4
`rfifind` and OpenMP
#175 opened by wfarah - 2
Build issue with
#174 opened by aweaver1fandm - 3
Using prepsubband for only a fraction of a dataset
#172 opened by k-perez - 4
accelsearch frequency range
#171 opened by tanumanghosh - 15
Undefined reference error during installation
#170 opened by gaodaohong - 26
Issue with installing python routines
#151 opened by ewhite42 - 3
Issue with sigproc keyword signed
#163 opened by pravirkr - 0
docker build fails on arm64 system
#160 opened by 0xCoto - 4
Docker on ARM: build results in "Error: Old-style type declaration REAL*10 not supported at (1)"
#159 opened by sanderjo - 7
#149 opened by mpardo1 - 4
- 4
Who's using the classic branch?
#155 opened by astrogewgaw - 4
- 15 No module named presto
#153 opened by davidepelliciari - 33
.mask file doesn't save when running rfifind
#152 opened by k-perez - 1
Unrecognized device type
#150 opened by Toexplore - 12
Docker file fails to compile
#144 opened by matteobachetti - 3
- 1
Change barycentering position in prepfold?
#148 opened by dlakaplan - 0
Issues with mpiprepsubband
#140 opened by mt-empty - 4
- 1
Installation Issue
#137 opened by hyysky - 1
Running this command prepsubband -sub -subdm 5.75 -nsub 32 -downsamp 1 -o Sband ../GBT_Lband_PSR.fil
#134 opened by Tom111-lhx - 3
Error in gen_fvect(): Cannot allocate memory, with low-frequency Nenufar data
#135 opened by alex88ridolfi - 0
Installation Issue
#138 opened by hyysky