Technical Analysis Reporting tool

A basic Python program to

  1. Fetch daily price history for a symbol
  2. Use TA-Lib to compute some technical indicators
  3. Find BUY/SELL dates in the history
  4. Graph and report all the above, saving as PDF


Install TA-Lib

wget \
  && sudo tar -xzf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz \
  && sudo rm ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz \
  && cd ta-lib/ \
  && sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr \
  && sudo make \
  && sudo make install \
  && cd ~ \
  && sudo rm -rf ta-lib/ \
  && pip install ta-lib

Install other packages

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Default data source is Alpha Vantage, which requires an API_KEY. Code expects that key to be stored in an environment variable, $API_KEY. Suggest setting up a .envrc file and using direnv


python3 ./ -s "T"