
Discover our list of modules to supercharge your Nuxt project

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Official and community Nuxt modules united on modules.nuxtjs.org

Nuxt Modules

automated npm version


  • If you feel a module is missing, please create a new issue
  • If some meta is wrong, feel free directly opening a pull request

Add or update repository

yarn sync <name> <repo>

Example: yarn sync tailwindcss nuxt-community/tailwindcss-module

To sync with a branch different than master, suffix the repo with #repo-branch, example: yarn sync tailwindcss nuxt-community/tailwindcss-module#dev

Auto update all current modules

yarn sync

Generate dist/module.json

yarn build

Module Usage

You can use the @nuxt/modules package by installing it in your project:

npm install @nuxt/modules
# Or yarn add @nuxt/modules

Then you can directly import the list of modules:

const modules = require('@nuxt/modules')
// modules is an array of objects
// See https://unpkg.com/@nuxt/modules/dist/modules.json



Start Nuxt in development:

yarn dev

Then visit http://localhost:3000.

In development, the npm downloads and GitHub stars will be mocked.


Create a personnal GitHub token (no scope selected) and add it to .env:

# .env

Generate the website:

yarn generate

Start the production website:

yarn start


MIT Nuxt.js Team