
An awesome list for the awe-inspiring power of Infinidash, an imaginary product.

Awesome Infinidash Awesome

An awesome list for the awe-inspiring power of Infinidash.

Disclaimer: Infinidash is not real, it is a an imaginary product invented by Twitter, to have a joint laugh at the fact that the world of tech products is impossible to keep up with. Share the love, do not punch down, it's more fun when you include others.

by David Cuthbert (@Kangadac)



Wear the most secure merch for the fastest containers this side of the cloud. (All proceeds go to ZebraCoalition to help LGBTQ Homeless youth). Organized by PJ Metz and Brendan O'Leary.


Learn all there is to know about Infinidash.


Stretch your Infinidash skills.


Use Infinidash with your favorite platforms.


Open source implementations of Infinidash.


Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.