
Automated Test for AWS Pricing Calculator Scripts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Step-by-Step Guide


  1. Download one of the excel sheets

  2. Fill in your data. Value Helps should show you all supported configurations:

    • EC2
    • EC2 Dedicated Hosts (*.metal)
    • EBS
    • S3 / S3 IA
    • EFS
    • FSX for Windows

You can either specify EC2, Storage or both!

Column Description Example
Group - Description Builds the hierarchy and adds a service description Production - Database
# Instances / Quantity Amount of instances or volumes 1
Assumed Usage Scheduled only (Hours per Week) 40
Usage Type Always On or Scheduled Always On
Instance Type EC2 Instance (*.metal for Dedicated Hosts) m5.large / u-6tb1.metal
OS As per Value Help Linux
Pricing Strategy As per Value Help 3 Yr All Upfront Reserved
Storage Type As per Value Help General Purpose SSD (gp2)
Storage amount per Instance In GB, per Instance (!) 100
EBS IOPS per Instance EBS gp3, io1, io2 only 5000
EBS Snapshot amount per Instance EBS only, in GB/month 500
EBS Throughput per Instance (Optional) EBS gp3 only, in MB/s 250
AWS Region (Optional) In case a single service should be provided from another region (e.g. DR) eu-central-1

Note: Regardless of if you specify storage for an instance directly, the calulation is always split between EC2 and storage to highlight individual costs.

Watch the video


Add an existing pricing calculator link to fetch the data.

Note: You can also use the native export feature of the pricing calculator.

Run automated test

protractor conf.js