
This is a test repository to see if I can maintain the wiki documentation in the main repo and have it automatically sync to the github wiki.

Build Status



This project is an example to automatically maintain the github wiki repo from a a wiki folder in the main repo. The value here is allowing the development community to submit wiki change pull requests as that is allowed for the main repo but not supported for the wiki repo.

How it works

The core idea is to have a CI system copy the changes from the wiki folder into the github wiki repo. For open source projects in github, https://travis-ci.com seems to be the way to go.

The [https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/tutorial](Travis CI Tutorial) was pretty to follow. The main steps were linking my github account with a travis ci account. Travis CI then found my repo automatically.

I then created a .travis.yml file to provide the instructions on what to do. Travis CI really wants to do a build for a particular language which I don't really have in this example. Since I plan to propose this for a way to maintain the wiki for the chordpro project, I chose perl as the language.

The one part of the travis recipe below that is not obvious is the setting of the GITHUB_TOKEN variable. This is not automatic. You need to login into github and create a personal authentication token with write access to the repo. Then in your travis-ci repository settings, you setup the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

I chose the version of perl, 5.24, as the build machine info reported by Travis CI indicated that it was pre-installed so there would be no need to installing something to speed up the build.

language: perl
  - "5.24"
os: linux
dist: trusty
    - GITHUB_ORG="scottselberg"
    - EMAIL="saselberg2@gmail.com"
    - REPO="auto-wiki-test"
    - WIKI_REPO="${REPO}.wiki"
    - WIKI_FOLDER="wiki"
install: skip
  - name: WikiUpdate
    - stage: WikiUpdate
      if: (branch = master) AND (type = push)
        # Move up one layer so we can see both the source
        # code repo and the wiki repo.
        - cd ..

        # Clone wiki repository.
        - git clone https://github.com/${GITHUB_ORG}/${WIKI_REPO}.git

        # Update wiki repository with documentation folder contents.
        - rsync -av --exclude=.git --delete ${REPO}/${WIKI_FOLDER}/ ${WIKI_REPO}/

        # Commit and push changes into the wiki repo
        - cd ${WIKI_REPO}
        - |
          git config user.email ${EMAIL}
          git config user.name ${USER}
          git add --all
          git status
          git commit -m "${REPO} wiki update | Travis CI build number $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"
          git remote add origin-wiki "https://${USER}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${GITHUB_ORG}/${WIKI_REPO}.g
          git push origin-wiki master