
Improving my Python skills by solving the daily Spelling Bee

Primary LanguagePython


Improving my Python skills by solving the daily Spelling Bee

I have decided I want to level up a little bit and do something a bit harder that requires me to think more about Clean Code, design patterns and good software "engineering".

The challenge I am setting for myself is to create something that can solve the daily NYT "Spelling Bee" word puzzle. LINK

I figure I'll import a large wordlist and then program an algorithm to slice and dice it to come up with the words that fit the rules. Here are the rules:

  • You are given 7 letters

  • One of the letters is mandatory

  • Find as many words as you can containing the letters

  • Words must contain at least 4 letters.

  • Words must include the mandatory letter.

  • Letters can be used more than once.

Right now I am just trying to develop something that works, with an eye to making it better and more efficient. Since almost everything I do is straight procedural programming, this requires a new way of thinking.

Word list obtained from https://github.com/dwyl/english-words But also installed pypi english-words