
A C# scripting interface for G-Earth.

Primary LanguageC#

xabbo scripter

A C# scripting interface for G-Earth powered by the Xabbo.Common, Xabbo.GEarth and Xabbo.Core libraries.



Accessing message headers

Out.Move / In.Talk
Message names are based on the ones defined in the Unity client.
For Flash headers to be correctly mapped to the Unity names they must be defined in messages.ini.
You can still access a Flash header by its name: Out["PlaceObject"] will return the header for Out.PlaceRoomItem.

Sending, receiving, reading & writing packets

Shout "hello, world":

Send(Out.Shout, "hello, world", 0);

Craft a packet manually and send it:

var p = new Packet(Out.Shout);
p.WriteString("hello, world");

- or -

var p = new Packet(Out.Shout)
  .WriteString("hello, world")

Calling Send with an incoming header will send the packet to the client:

Send(In.Chat, -1, "hello, world", 0, 0, 0, 0);

Receive and read from a packet:

var p = Receive(5000, In.WalletBalance); // wait 5000ms to receive a packet with the WalletBalance header
p.ReadString() // returns the amount of credits in your wallet

If the final statement in a script excludes the semicolon ; it will become the return value and be output to the log.

Packet deconstruction:

var p = CaptureOut(-1, Out.Move); // capture an outgoing move packet, use -1 for no timeout
var (x, y) = p.Read<int, int>();
Log($"Moving to {x}, {y}.");

Intercepting and blocking packets, modifying data

To register an intercept callback for a certain header:

OnIntercept(Out.Move, e => Log(e.Packet.Read<int, int>()));

Now each time you click a tile to move, the packet will be intercepted and the tile coordinates will be output to the log.

Note: All callbacks registered within a script are deregistered upon the script's completion,
so you must call Wait to pause execution and keep the script alive until it is cancelled.

To block packets, call Block on the InterceptArgs passed into the callback:

OnIntercept(Out.Move, e => e.Block());

Modifying values in a packet:

// skip an int, string, int, then replace an int with 38
OnIntercept(In.Chat, e => e.Packet.Replace(Int, Str, Int, 38));
// replace a string from the 5th byte (0 based index -> 4, skips the first 4-byte integer)
// using a transform function to change it to uppercase
OnIntercept(In.Chat, e => e.Packet.ReplaceAt(4, s => s.ToUpper()));


There are various methods defined in the scripter globals class (source) to make it easier to interact with the game.
These are just a few of the methods available.

Talk, shout or whisper:

Talk("Hello, world");
Shout("Hello, world!");
Whisper("recipient", "Hello, world.");

Move to a tile:

Move(5, 6);

Search for "shop" in the navigator and display results where there is at least 1 user in the room:

foreach (var room in QueryNav("shop")
    .Where(x => x.Users > 0)
    .OrderByDescending(x => x.Users)) {
    $"\"{room.Name}\" by {room.OwnerName}"
    + $" ({room.Users}/{room.MaxUsers} users)"

Retrieve and log the content of all sticky notes in the room:

foreach (var item in WallItems.OfCategory(FurniCategory.Sticky)) {
  var sticky = GetSticky(item);

Game state

Game state is being managed in the background to provide information about the current state of the room, its furni and entities, etc.
The user, bot, pet, furni count; room, profile and connection status can be seen in the toolbar at the bottom right of the application.

Get the current room ID:


List all users in the room:

foreach (var user in Users)

List the name and count of all furniture in the room:

// Group furni by its descriptor
// which includes it type (floor/wall), kind (furni id)
// and variant (for posters, eg. "9" = Rainforest Poster)
var groups = Furni
  .GroupBy(furni => furni.GetDescriptor())
  .OrderByDescending(group => group.Count());
// Display the count and name of each furni group
foreach (var (descriptor, items) in groups)
  Log($"{items.Count(),6:N0} x {descriptor.GetName()}");

Game data support

The current furni, figure, product data and external texts are loaded when the scripter starts.
They can be accessed using FurniData, FigureData, ProductData and Texts respectively.
To get the info of a furni you can use FurniData.GetInfo(ItemType type, int kind) where type is either ItemType.Floor or ItemType.Wall, and kind is the furni's ID specifier. (ex. ItemType.Floor, 179 = Rubber Duck).

Each furni also has a unique string identifier (its "class name").
For example the rubber duck's identifier is duck, and this can be accessed using FurniData["duck"].

There are also extension methods for easily retrieving the furni info, name, etc. from an IItem instance.
As all item classes (floor/wall furni, inventory, trade, catalog, marketplace items) implement the IItem interface, these extension methods can be called on any one of them.
For example, to grab the first furni in a room and display its info:

var furni = Furni.First();
string name = furni.GetName();
Log($"Item name: {name}");
var info = furni.GetInfo();

Enumerables of IItem can be filtered by a furni info:

// Find furni info by name
// Note this may not be the exact info you're looking for
// if another furni shares the same name
var info = FurniData.FindFloorItem("Rubber Duck");
int count = Furni.OfKind(info).Count();
Log($"There are {count} {info.Name}'s in the room");

Or a furni identifier:

Furni.OfKind("duck").Count() // count the number of Rubber Duck furni in the room

This can be useful for example to pick up all furni in the room of a specific type:

// pick up all Rubber Duck furni in the room
foreach (var item in Furni.OfKind("duck")) {


Callbacks for specific events can be registered using methods that begin with On....
The packet data is parsed into a more easily consumable EventArgs instance which is passed into the callback, so it is not necessary to read the packet structure yourself.

For example, to walk to a chair when it gets placed:

OnFloorItemAdded(e => {
  if (e.Item.GetInfo().CanSitOn)

Example scripts

Output the current room's floor plan to a text file:

File.WriteAllText($"floorplan-{Room.Id}.txt", FloorPlan.OriginalString);

Send a friend request to everyone in the room:

foreach (var user in Users) {
  if (user == Self) continue; // skip self
  Send(Out.RequestFriend, user.Name);
  // display a whisper from the user for visual feedback
  ShowBubble("*friend request sent*", index: user.Index);

Download all photos in a room to the directory photos/roomId:

string dir = $"photos/{Room.Id}";
var photos = WallItems.OfKind("external_image_wallitem_poster_small").ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < photos.Length; i++) {
  string filePath = Path.Combine($"photos/{Room.Id}", $"{photos[i].Id}.png");
  if (File.Exists(filePath)) continue;
  Log($"Downloading {i+1}/{photos.Length}");
  try {
    var photoInfo = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<PhotoInfo>(photos[i].Data);
    var photoData = await H.GetPhotoDataAsync(photoInfo.Id);
    byte[] image = await H.DownloadPhotoAsync(photoData);
    File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, image);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    Log($"Failed to download: {ex.Message}");