
Scooters delicious Edibles!

Primary LanguageHTML


Scooters delicious Edibles!


To create a fullstack bakery website that displays information on cookies, cakes and muffins offered for sale as well as enables someone to receive a catalog of items sold via email.

Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this project, the student will demonstrate their understanding of how to use API Wrappers in Ruby as well how to create a website using the Sinatra microframework.


Your friend is a baker who recently had a grand opening of their store. Unfortunately, the turnout was less than ideal and your friend suggested creating a website. The goal is to improve the store’s online presence and hopefully increase foot traffic to the store. Naturally, your friend turns to you for help and hands you some starting suggestions in a google document.

Client Suggestions:

I want it to look and feel like a bakery website The front page should provide information about the bakery have links to pages where you can see all cookies all cakes all muffins Each item sold should have a description a price There should be a way for a person on the site to receive an email with a catalog of all items sold