
❌ A starting point for Gulp and Bower projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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A starting point for front end projects based on Gulp. It is a young project and will be improved quickly. Glug currently features:

Installation & Setup

Download or checkout this repository to your local machine. Browse to the downloaded directory in your terminal app and run: sudo npm install (you will need to have node and npm on your system).

Customise the settings at the top of gulpfile.js to your requirements. You can then run the following tasks:


Which watches your SCSS and images folders for changes. May also start a local Browsersync instance and static server if the settings are setup that way

gulp checkcss

If the project is a static one with HTML assets, the HTML and CSS are compared to see if any selectors can be removed from your styles.

gulp sync

To copy changes made to your package.json to other manifest files (e.g. bower.json).