
❌ The speculative news laxative (bookmarklet).

Primary LanguagePHP

Speclative image



Are you fed up of the ‘could be’, ‘possiblies’ and ‘maybes’ found in todays news? Take back your time and sanity with Speclative ®: An Internet speculation filter (delivered via bookmarklet), that determines if an online article is worth reading (or not).


Requirements are PHP/MySQL/Apache. You will need to create a new database and import db.sql into it. Once you have done that add your database and domain configuration to includes/class.config.php. It is clearly labelled. The code is configured to run from its current URL (speclative.scott.ee). It appears a handful of times (class.config.php, index.php, speclative.js) throughout the code so a search and replace will need to be performed.



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