
✅ A WiFi smart meter / pulse counter built upon a Particle Photon.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

watz energy monitor



watz is a WiFi smart meter / pulse counter. It mounts to the LED on your electricity meter and measures the number of pulses in a given time period. This is used to generate real time power information. This data is periodically pushed to the Particle cloud and can be subscribed to via server-sent events.

The events are:

  • watz - pushed every 10 minutes, contains a kW reading and a pulse count
  • watzup - pushed every time 1000 pulses are detected to allow tracking of the meter total
  • watzbatt - pushed every 10 minutes and uses the official power shield to grab batter information

To log the data I am using the hosted emoncms service. I relay the data via Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi using the Particle and emoncms nodes:

watz node red

When the kW data arrives with emoncms you will need to multiply it by 1000 to get the current watts value. After a bit of tweaking your electricity dashboard should looks something like this:

watz data in a graph

Issues/Problems/Questions? Open a GitHub issue. You can also contact me via scott.ee or twitter (@scottsweb).



watz breadboard made with Fritzing

The included watz.fzz file can be opened in Fritzing. Replace the transistor with the TSL251R-LF. Version 2.0 of the code the board requires the Photon and the TSL251R-LF to be attached to the WKP pin to bring the board out of deep sleep.


Copy the contents of watz.ino into the Particle Build IDE and flash your Photon.

Further Reading



  • Upgraded to Photon board
  • Added support for Power Shield
  • Battery life monitoring
  • Deep sleeping to improve battery performance
  • SEMI_AUTOMATTIC to have better control over cloud connection


  • Initial release