scottsweb's Following
- AhnSeongHyunPayhere Inc.
- aristathEmilia Capital
- capyloon
- dimensionmediaDimension Media
- ellatrix@WordPress
- GaryJonesAutomattic (@Automattic )
- gemmagarnerGuildford, Surrey (UK)
- grappler@wearerequired
- hyphacoopTkaronto (Toronto), ON
- jacklenoxLancaster, UK
- jlord@github
- joshbetz@Auth0 / @Okta
- karmatosedUnited Kingdom
- LineageOS
- LiveGTechNorwich, England
- livimonteFITec
- mafintosh@holepunchto
- markoheijnenCodeKitchen
- mattwatsoncodes@humanmade
- mavisland@WeblebiX
- meshtasticUnited States of America
- mhuletEarth
- mkjonesukMake Do
- notthebeeGermany
- olliekavCapra Design
- paulgibbsIndigo Tree @indigotree
- pfrazeeBluesky
- philipjohn
- protomapsUnited States of America
- Quasimondo
- robertcummings
- sboisvert@xwp
- spacedmonkeySpacedmonkey
- sqfmiSQFMI
- Ukraine-Relief-EffortsWorldwide
- vladolaru@Automattic