
Ruby URL shortener and click tracker

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Shorti is an API first (and only) URL shortener and click counter.


It is comprised of three end points.

HTTP Method End Point Function
POST / Create a new shortened URL
GET /:id Redirect to full URL and track the click
GET /info/:id What URL is shortend and the number of clicks

The create end point will always require an API_KEY. The info end point can optionally require the API_KEY.


  1. Grab the source
  2. bundle install
  3. bundle exec rails db:setup
  4. bundle exec rails db:migrate
  5. bundle exec rails server


bundle exec rails spec should do the trick.


KEY Description
SHORTI_API_KEY Controls access to create a new link. Optionally controls access to info
SHORTI_BASE_URL By default, Shorti will use the current request url, but you can optionally override it.
SHORTI_INFO_API_KEY If this key exists, Shorti will require an API Key for the info end point

Try It Now

I have a version up on Heroku you can try (URL won't be that short).

  curl -d "url=https://scottw.com&api_key=HOAGIES" https://shortilinks.herokuapp.com

Please note, this data will likely be cleared out every once in a while.


One outstanding item would be to track unique clicks (likely via IP Address). Not 100% yet if this will be added.

Change Log

  1. If HTTP_ACCEPT = 'application/json' json data will be returned. Otherwise, responses will be return as plain text.