

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

ThreeFold TFNOW

How to run a development version locally


  • Ubuntu : ./install.sh
  • MacosX : ./install_mac.sh


  • Quick Run : ./run

build a static website (production only)

Run ./build.sh

Where is all the content ?

  • It is under the direcory content/docs
  • All files are markdown (.md) format


  • Always use - instead of _ in naming files and directories

  • Create a new folder for each item you want to add to tfnow with the naming convention in the previous point

  • inside each directory put

    • index.md contains markdown
    • img directory with images for that item
  • referring to img crystaltwin.png from index.md of crystaltwin item can be done simpy by ![](./img/crystaltwin.png)

  • Editing md files

    • All files start with this piece of code, this is meant to control navigation into different sections defined in the sidebar menu.

      description: ''
      sidebar: 'docs'
      prev: '/docs/wiki-publisher/'
      next: '/docs/digitalme/'

You want to go deeper ?

Read more here

Create new project using threefold gridsome-docc

Run gridsome create app https://github.com/threefoldfoundation/gridsome-docc