
Exploring dependencies between prisma client extensions

Primary LanguageTypeScript

prisma client extension playground

See prisma/prisma#24276


Can I reference a custom field added via a result extension in a query extension? I ask because...

  • I haven't found anything in the docs that suggests otherwise (though I could be wrong)
  • and (this is entirely subjective, but still notable!) intuitively the API for chaining extensions suggests that they are chained together as middlewares would be, and as such, the result from one would be passed to another.

My guess is that, despite my comment about chaining together the extensions, this is, in fact, not the case.

How to reproduce (optional)

  1. Run yarn to install.
  2. Create a new Postgresql Database - add DATABASE_URL to .env
  3. Run npx prisma migrate deploy to migrate schema
  4. Run npx tsx seed.ts to seed data
  5. Run npx tsx index.ts.

What's inside?

In this demo, I've got...

  • The kindExtension, that adds a kind property to each model result.
  • The filterExtension, that applies a custom filter in cases where the kindExtension indicates that the model is of kind "user".
  • The instantiation of a prisma client that uses these extensions (in the order they're described here).
  • ...plus some code to actually invoke the thing.

Expected behavior (optional)

As I mentioned, I would expect that the result that's being filtered in the filterExtension would already have been fed through the kindExtension (because of the order in which the extensions have been configured). But as it turns out, that doesn't appear to be the case. The kind property isn't available yet in the filterExtension.

Is this expected? Is there something I've missed?