
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Chatroom App with Audio Upload and Voting

This is a full-stack TypeScript application for a chatroom that allows users to chat in real-time and upload audio files via S3. Users can pick a username, password, and chatroom name to join. Uploaded audio files can be approved by user voting.


  • User registration and authentication
  • Real-time chatroom functionality using Socket.IO
  • Audio file upload to S3
  • User voting for approving uploaded audio files
  • SQLite database for storing user and chatroom data


  • /api/register (POST): Register a new user
  • /api/login (POST): User login
  • /api/chatrooms (GET): Get list of available chatrooms
  • /api/chatrooms (POST): Create a new chatroom
  • /api/chatrooms/:id (GET): Get details of a specific chatroom
  • /api/chatrooms/:id/join (POST): Join a chatroom
  • /api/chatrooms/:id/messages (GET): Get messages in a chatroom
  • /api/chatrooms/:id/audio (POST): Upload audio file to a chatroom
  • /api/chatrooms/:id/audio/:audioId/vote (POST): Vote for an audio file


  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Start the server:

    bun server/run.ts
  3. Open the application in your browser at http://localhost:8001.

Technologies Used

  • Backend:

    • Node.js
    • TypeScript
    • Express.js
    • Socket.IO
    • SQLite (sqlite3 library)
  • Frontend:

    • React 18
    • TypeScript
    • Socket.IO Client