
Utilities and experiments for training RAVE

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Utilities and experiments for training RAVE.

Currently, A10 instances on Lambda Cloud (cloud.lambdalabs.com) are the target deployment environment.


  1. Start your A10 instance on Lambda Cloud, creating and downloading a PEM file key if you haven't already
  2. Once running, launch the instance's Cloud IDE (JupyterLab)
  3. Make sure your audio data is in a directory called /home/ubuntu/training-data. You can do this e.g. by using the JupyterLab upload feature.
  4. Create a new terminal in JupyterLab
  5. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/becker929/rave-training.git && cd rave-training
  6. Make script executable: chmod +x ./setup-rave-lambdalabs.sh
  7. Run script ./setup-rave-lambdalabs.sh
  8. To begin training, replace <TRAINING-RUN-NAME> and run the command: nohup /home/ubuntu/.pyenv/versions/3.10.11/bin/python3.10 ./rave-training.py --name="<TRAINING-RUN-NAME>" &
  9. Confirm that RAVE is training
    1. You may need to press return or open a new terminal
    2. Run tail -f /home/ubuntu/rave-training/nohup.out
  10. In a terminal, run tensorboard --logdir runs --port 6080
  11. In your local terminal, run ssh -i ~/path/to/lambda-key.pem -N -f -L localhost:16080:localhost:6080 ubuntu@<your.instance.ip>
  12. Now, you should be able to view the progress of the training via tensorboard by visiting localhost:16080 in your browser
  13. To export for use in MaxMSP etc., run /home/ubuntu/.pyenv/versions/3.10.11/bin/rave export --run="/home/ubuntu/runs/<RUN-FOLDER>" --streaming
    1. Other uses may require that you remove the --streaming flag. See the official RAVE Readme for details.

Too complicated? Reach out to me and I may be able to help.

RAVE changes in this repo

The rave subfolder contains a fork of RAVE/rave.

Local changes to rave:

  • Apply Automatic Mixed Precision (amp) to forward pass
  • Default V2 + Wasserstein config


  • Experiment with increased batch size (24 vs 8)
  • Compilation using torch.compile (in progress)
  • Checking for simple best practices
  • Experiment with Composer
  • Experiment with reimplementation in JAX / Haiku