Alpine Terraform Docker Image

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Dockerfile to build a Docker image for running Terraform

Building the Image

To build the image with the latest version of Terraform:

% docker build -t terraform .

To build with a specific version of Terraform, use the TFVER build arg:

% docker build -t terraform --build-arg TFVER=0.12.24 .

Pre-Built Image

You can also download the latest image from DockerHub

% docker pull scottylogan/terraform

Running the Image

To run the image "standalone":

% docker run -h terraform -it terraform
terraform:~$ terraform version
Terraform v0.12.26
terraform:~$ logout

The terraform user's home directory is a volume, so you can mount a local path onto it:

% ls
% docker run -h terraform -v $PWD:/home/terraform -it terraform
terraform:~$ ls

You can mount your own home directory, and the image will use your bash configuration, and have access to your ~/.ssh/ directory (which allows git in the container to use your SSH keys when needed). For example, on my Mac:

scotty[~]% docker run -h terraform -v $HOME:/home/terraform -it terraform
terraform[~]% ls
Applications/ Documents/    Library/      Music/        Public/       share/
Desktop/      Dropbox/      Movies/       Pictures/     bin/          src/

(Your bash configuration might need some updates to work on Alpine)