
Simple to-do app for family tasks

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Family tasks is a family oriented to-do list. The intent is to reward members of a household for completing tasks with Coins!

Tasks can be recurring, assigned to a member.. It's just yet another to-do app!


I use docker. The following role does the trick for me:

- name: Start the family tasks server
    name: family_tasks
    image: scottyob/family-tasks
    pull: true
    state: started
    restart_policy: unless-stopped
      - "/docker/{{ inventory_hostname }}/tasks:/app/db"
      - '3002:3000'
      DATABASE_URL: "file:./db/db.sqlite"
      GOOGLE_SECRET: "...."
      GOOGLE_ID: "...."
      SECRET: "...."
      NEXTAUTH_URL: https://tasks.home.scottyob.com/

Post-deploy. Setting up the database

The first time launching, you'll need to setup the database and have that generated.

$ sudo docker exec  -it family_tasks /bin/sh
/app $ ln -s /app/db ./node_modules/.prisma/client/db
/app $ npx prisma db push --schema ./node_modules/.prisma/client/schema.prisma --skip-generate

Updating & pushing to docker cloud

$ docker build  -t scottyob/family-tasks --build-arg NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENTVAR=clientvar .
$ docker push scottyob/family-tasks:latest