
Tool-Assisted Speedrun of Super Mario Bros (1985)

Tool-Assisted Speedrun of Super Mario Bros (1985) in under 5 minutes (just)

The tasproj file is all you need if you want to try the run yourself. It's a zip-formatted file so I included the expanded version of it for the sake of interest.

I used:

Youtube video


I spent a lot of time watching Kosmic's incredible 4:55.64 run.

Kosmic also has a fantastic tutorial on breaking the 5 minute barrier.

Darbian has some great videos too.

Notes on Timing

I used the rules defined on speedrun.com.

You'll find a marker in each world on the frame when the clock appears and on the last frame of the run.

You can use this timer from somewes to determine the frame count based on that last frame. For example, this one is mine.

Since we're using an emulator you can cross-check against the frame count directly. The first frame of this run is 196 (when the 400 timer appears on World 1-1) and the last frame is 18215 (the last one before the sprites disappear). That's a total of 18020 frames (including both 196 and 18215) running at 60.0988139 frames/sec for a total of 299.840 seconds.