
user notification management for the Django web framework

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

lehins-notification - notification app for django

Forked from incuna-notification, which is a fork of a django-notification


It is backwards compatible with incuna-notification, except the backend specification.


  • Original usage documentation is in docs/usage.txt

Added features:

  • MobileBackend that supports push notifications to IOS/Android devices
  • HTMLEmailBackend that supports html email content as an alternative
  • backends can specify names for the templates, so they are no longer limited only to message.txt and subject.txt. notice.html is the only (in case of empty backend list) required template
  • Can specify context processors for email rendering with NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting, which are just like django context processors, except they don't have request argument
  • Removed a bug in views NOTICE_MEDIA did not exist.

Backend usage changes:

  • required formats property, which is a list of template names, relevant to a message.
  • send method takes message argument, instead of subject and body strings. message now is a dictonary of rendered templates specified in formats property, having there names as keys. See supplied backends for examples.

Coming soon: * support for scheduling notifications using celery