
A demonstration project (a content management system) for the django-treepages ( https://github.com/scotu/django-treepages ) app written using the Django web framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


mw_cms is a demonstration project (a content management system) for the django-treepages app written using the Django web framework.

Requires django 1.3 at the moment because it is using contrib.staticfiles

Try it out

If you are not using virtualenv (and virtualenvwrapper), you should.

Create and activate a virtualenv:

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev # needed to compile PIL, command for ubuntu, adjust for your distro
mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages cms
mkdir git && cd git

Than clone this repository and install dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/scotu/mw_cms
pip install -r mw_cms/requirements.txt
pip install -r ../src/django-treepages/requirements.txt
cd mw_cms/mw_cms/
./manage.py runserver

The username and password in the included sqlite database are both 'admin'. At the moment it lacks an homepage, just open http://localhost:8000/admin/