
Example of how to monitor a Standalone Grape API with Scout APM

Primary LanguageRuby

Example Scout APM monitored Grape application

This application is a demonstration of monitoring a Grape API with Scout APM.

As of scout_apm version 2.1.13, standalone Grape APIs aren't monitored automatically, so they require a bit of manual startup code.

Note: For Grape APIs embedded inside of a Rails application, they will be instrumented automatically.

If you'd like to start monitoring your Rails application, or a standalone Grape API - contact us at support@scoutapp.com or go to http://scoutapp.com

Important Files:

  • config.ru - require the scout_apm gem just before calling run
  • rails_shim.rb - the scout_apm gem still expects a few Rails constants to exist. This provides fake versions of those few constants. If you use ActiveRecord, you likely don't need this file, as the real Rails constant will suffice.
  • config/scout_apm.yml - change the name attribute. It will not be automatically detected