
A demo app that monitors a canopen network

Primary LanguageJava


A demo app that monitors a canopen network ##Synopsis This app is part of a larger project to control and monitor canopen networks from the conveniance of a mobile device.
A Java-CanOpen interface listens to the network and updates the object dictionary accordingly. The subentries and values in them are represented by profiles within the app The application listens to events fired by changes in the object dictionary and acts upon them. This app is meant to demonstrate a potential usage of the java-canopen package.

##Installation ###If you have Android studio installed:

  1. Click File->New->Project from Vesion Control->GitHub
  2. Enter the correct info into the dialog box. menu tree

clone repository 3. Attach your device via usb and run the app on the device. Your device must developer options turned on to work correctly.

###If you do not have android studio installed: ####Step 1: Acquire APK

  1. Open a terminal and change directories to wherever you want to keep the AndroidCanOpenDemo directory
  2. Type the following commands:
    git clone https://github.com/Awalrod/AndroidCanOpenDemo
    cd AndroidCanOpenDemo
  3. If you have the ANDROID_HOME environment variable already set, run ./gradlew assembleDebug
  4. If you do not have the ANDROID_HOME environment variable already set, you need to find the location of your SDK.
    Once you've found it, one of the two following commands will work:
    export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/SDK


echo sdk.dir=/path/to/SDK > /path/to/AndroidCanOpenDemo/local.properties

The second command will save the location. Run ./gradlew assembleDebug

####Step 2: Install APK

  1. Locate APK at AndroidCanOpenDemo/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
  2. Connect your Android device via usb and allow use as a mass storage device.
  3. Move the APK file onto the Android Device.
  4. On the android Device, use a file browser to locate and install the APK. You may have to install your own browser as some devices do not come with one.

Note: Third party apps must be enabled in your android settings

##Network Setup[](TODO: Name busmaster and provide links)[](TODO: Get name of board being used) We have a raspberry pi connected to two nodes sending temperature, voltage, and current data over a can network. A busmaster program iscontrolling the network from the raspberry pi. The raspberry pi is also running socat,a networking tool that is being used to send messages on wifi. The android app will no work correctly unless both thebusmaster and socat script are running correctly.

More detailed setup info can be found at https://github.com/mpcrowe/canopen-raspberrypi

##Application Description ###The Main Screen main screen

The main screen is 10 monitors in different tabs that can be set up to monitor different profiles. What profiles are and how to create/edit/delete them is covered in the Settings.
Clicking the option menu below the gauge shows a menu of all profiles that have been created. You can set which profile the gauge should monitor here.

profile dropdown

Slide left or right to view other monitors. Up to 10 different profiles may be monitored at once. Underneath the dropdown menu a label displays the integer value of the profile.

The start and stop buttons make the monitor start or stop listening to the specified profile.

listening to profile


settings screen

The settings screen contains the controls for the profiles and network. The first two fields should contain the IP address socat is sending from and port number. Below that are the controls for profile management.

###Profiles Profiles contain infor regarding the information that nodes will send. The Java-canopen interface will populate the object dictionary with information from these nodes. Profiles contain info about a specific subentry.

add profile

Field Description
Name Chosen name for profile. Can be any alphanumeric character.
Index Index of Object Dictionary entry in hexadecimal.
Subindex Subindex for subentry of the entry at the given Index. This contains the actual value you will use.
Min Minimum expected value. This is used to display the gauge.
Max Maximum expected value. This is used to display the gauge.

All of your current profiles are listed underneath the "Add Profile" button. To edit or delete and existing profile click the "Edit" or "Delete" buttong below the profile information.

#Links Repository for the fuel gauge widget: https://github.com/tethridge/fuel-gauge
Repository for the raspberry pi setup and code: https://github.com/mpcrowe/canopen-raspberrypi
Repository for Java CanOpen code: https://github.com/Awalrod/CanOpenJavaLibrary