.8MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM8. MMM77$$$$$$7MM MM$$$$$$$$$MMM MM$$$$$$$$$$$$M M$$$$$$$$$$$$MM MO7$$$$$8$$$$$MMM$$$$$N7$$$$7DM M7$$$$$$$M7$$MMM$$7M$$$$$$$7M. M7$$$$$$$$MMMMMMM$$$$$$$$7M. MM$$$$$$7MMMMMMM$$$$$$$MM .MM$7MMMMMMMMMMMMM7$MM. .MM8ZZZMMZZZZZZZMZZZ$MM. .MOZZZZMMZZZZZZZZZM8ZZZZMM MZZMMMZZZZ8MMMMM$ZZZ$MMZZMM .MMMMMZZZZZZZZMMMZZZZZZZMMMMM: M8ZZMMZZZZZZZZNMZZZZZZZZZMMZZMM MZZZZMZZZZZZZZZMMMZZZZZZZZ8MZZZMM .MZZZZMZZZZZZZZZMMMZZZZZZZZMMZZZ8M .MZZZMMMZZZZZZZMMMMM$ZZZZZ$MMZZZMM MMZZMMMMMM8MMNZZZZZ8MMMMMMMMMZZM MMMMZMMMMMMZZZZZZZZZMMMM$ZZZMM. MMZZZZZMMMZZZZZZZZZMMMZZZZZMM MZZZZZZZMNZZZZZZZMMZZZZZZZM. MMMMMZZZZZZZZZMMMM. .MMDZZZZZZZMMD .MMMMMMMM, .... OpenEmbedded BSP Layer - RaspberryPi -------------------------------------- This is the general hardware specific BSP overlay for the RaspberryPi device. It should be used with openembedded-core (not old-style org.openembedded.dev). More information can be found at: http://www.raspberrypi.org/ (Official Site) http://www.distant-earth.com/ (My Site) Build scripts patched to support making a firmware image for the RaspberryPi with Angstrom can be found at: http://github.com/Angstrom-distribution/setup-scripts When not depending on meta-openembedded and not using systemd, you may need to mask few recipes requiring systemd or other recipes not included in your distribution of choice. You can achieve this by adding something like the following to local.conf: BBMASK = "meta-raspberrypi/recipes-multimedia/libav|meta-raspberrypi/recipes-core/systemd" You can adjust the BBMASK for any .bbappends that your distribution does not contain recipes for. The core BSP part of meta-raspberrypi should work with different OpenEmbedded/Yocto distributions and layer stacks, such as: * Distro-less (only with OE-Core). * Angstrom (main focus of testing). * Yocto/Poky. This layer in its entirety depends on: URI: git://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core branch: master revision: HEAD URI: git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded branch: master revision: HEAD It is preferred that people raise pull requests using GIThub by forking the appropriate tree: https://github.com/djwillis/ (More info on achieving this can be found at http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/) Yocto BSP Layer - RaspberryPi ------------------------------- This layer depends on: URI: git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky branch: master revision: HEAD URI: git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded branch: master revision: HEAD How to use it: 1. source poky/oe-init-build-env rpi-build 2. Add needed layers to bblayers.conf: - meta-raspberrypi - meta-openembedded/meta-oe 3 Set MACHINE to raspberrypi in local.conf 4. bitbake rpi-hwup-image 5. dd to a SD card the generated sdimg file (use xzcat if rpi-sdimg.xz is used) 6. Boot your RPI. Optional - compressed deployed files: ===================================== 1. Overwrite IMAGE_FSTYPES in local.conf IMAGE_FSTYPES = "tar.bz2 ext3.xz rpi-sdimg.xz 2. Overwrite SDIMG_ROOTFS_TYPE in local.conf SDIMG_ROOTFS_TYPE = "ext3.xz" *Accommodate the values above to your own needs (ex: ext3 / ext4). Optional - GPU memory: ======================== Variable : Details GPU_MEM : GPU memory in megabyte. Sets the memory split between the ARM and GPU. ARM gets the remaining memory. Min 16. Default 64. GPU_MEM_256 : GPU memory in megabyte for the 256MB Raspberry Pi. Ignored by the 512MB RP. Overrides gpu_mem. Max 192. Default not set. GPU_MEM_512 : GPU memory in megabyte for the 512MB Raspberry Pi. Ignored by the 256MB RP. Overrides gpu_mem. Max 448. Default not set. Optional - Add purchased license codecs: ======================================== To add you own licenses use variables KEY_DECODE_MPG2 and KEY_DECODE_WVC1 in local.conf. Example: KEY_DECODE_MPG2 = "12345678" KEY_DECODE_WVC1 = "12345678" You can supply more licenses separated by comma. Example: KEY_DECODE_WVC1 = "0x12345678,0xabcdabcd,0x87654321" Optional - Disable overscan: ============================ By default the GPU adds a black border around the video output to compensate for TVs which cut off part of the image. To disable this set this variable in local.conf: DISALE_OVERSCAN = "0" Optional - Set overclocking options: ==================================== The Raspberry PI can be overclocked. As of now overclocking up to the "Turbo Mode" is officially supported by the raspbery and does not void warranty. Check the config.txt for a detailed description of options and modes. Example: # Turbo mode ARM_FREQ = "1000" CORE_FREQ = "500" SDRAM_FREQ = "500" OVER_VOLTAGE = "6" Layer maintainer: John Willis <John.Willis at distant-earth.com> Andrei Gherzan <andrei at gherzan.ro>
meta-raspberrypi is an OpenEmbedded BSP layer for the Raspberry Pi boards from http://www.raspberrypi.org/.