
assigments-asa413 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

Open in Visual Studio Code

SFU CMPT 756 main project directory

This is the course repo for CMPT 756 (Spring 2022)

You will find resources for your assignments and term project here.

1. Instantiate the template files

Fill in the required values in the template variable file

Copy the file cluster/tpl-vars-blank.txt to cluster/tpl-vars.txt and fill in all the required values in tpl-vars.txt. These include things like your AWS keys, your GitHub signon, and other identifying information. See the comments in that file for details. Note that you will need to have installed Gatling (https://gatling.io/open-source/start-testing/) first, because you will be entering its path in tpl-vars.txt.

Instantiate the templates

Once you have filled in all the details, run

$ make -f k8s-tpl.mak templates

This will check that all the programs you will need have been installed and are in the search path. If any program is missing, install it before proceeding.

The script will then generate makefiles personalized to the data that you entered in clusters/tpl-vars.txt.

Note: This is the only time you will call k8s-tpl.mak directly. This creates all the non-templated files, such as k8s.mak. You will use the non-templated makefiles in all the remaining steps.

2. Ensure AWS DynamoDB is accessible/running

Regardless of where your cluster will run, it uses AWS DynamoDB for its backend database. Check that you have the necessary tables installed by running

$ aws dynamodb list-tables

The resulting output should include tables User and Music.